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project plan
Are you implementing a package in a distributed application development environment? You need a plan for the full implementation cycle, from planning and requirements analysis through deployment. Here's a sample from a Warehousing/Shipping environment.
PREMIUM project plan
This Microsoft Project plan reflects the activities for documenting the functionality of a distributed application system in a retail environment, i.e., order processing, pricing, inventory, shipping, customer and distributor administration, marketing, etc.
PREMIUM project plan
Stay clean and secure with this data cleansing project plan.
PREMIUM project plan
by Sunil Sharma
Stay clean and secure with this data cleansing project plan.
PREMIUM project plan
This excellent Microsoft Project plan will help you implement a complete life cycle project to design and build a data warehouse.
PREMIUM project plan
This Microsoft Project Plan will walk you through the ins and outs of putting together a business question assessment to analyze the data you need for your data warehouse.
PREMIUM project plan
If you've been tasked to build a data model for a Data Warehouse development project, check out this Microsoft Project plan.
PREMIUM project plan
This super-comprehensive project plan in Microsoft Word is chock full of information on how to plan and manage a data warehouse project. It covers the gamut in DW project planning and control activities and will teach you a lot about data warehouse architectures, tools, risk management, development activities, quality management and the like. Enjoy the read!
PREMIUM project plan
Are you putting together a data warehouse? This Microsoft Project plan will help you keep tabs on all the complex stages and steps involved in building decision support systems and a knowledge-based applications architecture and environment.
PREMIUM project plan
This Microsoft Project plan can serve as a guide to evaluating vendor tools for your data warehouse. It includes a Gantt chart schedule and cost analysis for the complete tool selection process.
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"Man is a game-playing animal, and a computer is another way to play games."
- Scott Adams