Project Management
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Change HEADWAY Change Management Project Plan - Large

PREMIUM project plan
by Interthink

The Change HEADWAY Change Management project plan for large projects is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.

Change HEADWAY Change Management Project Plan - Medium

PREMIUM project plan
by Interthink

The Change HEADWAY Change Mangement project plan for medium projects is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.

Change HEADWAY Change Management Project Plan - Small

PREMIUM project plan
by Interthink

The Change HEADWAY Chanage Management project plan for small projects is a work breakdown structure in MS Project containing links to detailed instructions and resources on gantthead.

CMS Implementation Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

Proprietary Content Management Systems are quite expensive, and the prices range from a few thousand dollars to a few hundred thousand. But Open Source CMS are free and quite stable; the cost is incurred in terms of learning, maintaining and customizing the code. This project plan highlights various activities that need to be addressed for a successful and meaningful implementation of a CMS using either PostNuke or PhpNuke.

COBIT for IT Governance

PREMIUM project plan

Use this project plan for implementing the open standard Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) framework, an IT governance tool to help organizations focus their information technology in support of overall business objectives.

Contingency Risk Management Plan

project plan

Does your business have a contingency plan to handle the impact on critical business processes of an emergency system failure? Mitigate the risk using this Microsoft Project plan as an example of how to prepare for the worst.

Contract Management System

PREMIUM project plan

Get help starting an essential contract management system by using this project plan.

CRM Assessment with Call Center Plan

PREMIUM project plan

Are your customers getting the service they want from your Call Center? Do you need to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) package to improve Call Center service? Use this Microsoft Project plan to assess the fit of a CRM package into your business.

CRM Implementation Plan

PREMIUM project plan

This Microsoft Project plan will walk you through a full CRM implementation, from selecting the package to setting it up to post-implementation follow-up.


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"I respect a man who knows how to spell a word more than one way."

- Mark Twain

