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PREMIUM project plan
Use this project plan to implement the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web accessibility initiative. The plan outlines various activities and considerations for planning the implementation of Web accessibility initiatives across an organization.
PREMIUM project plan
Web development can make or break your business. Use this project plan to make sure your store front keeps customers.
PREMIUM project plan
Organizing a successful webcast covers a number of activities and requires different types of competencies--including Web development, content development, graphics, marketing and promotion--to come together. This plan presents different activities that need to be done and the a timeline and dependencies for those activities.
PREMIUM project plan
Creating and maintaining a quality website is crucial to the success of your business; it's also a hectic, time-consuming, confusing process. Make it easier with this project plan.
PREMIUM project plan
The webWAVE Development project plan in Microsoft Project offers your intranet development team a blueprint for establishing a corporate communications vehicle that can streamline business processes, allow increased access to corporate information and revolutionize knowledge sharing--while reducing overall communications costs.
PREMIUM project plan
Now that you've built yourself an intranet, you'll have to maintain it. This Microsoft Project plan will help you do just that.
PREMIUM project plan
by Joe Wynne
This schedule is for Workforce Activation, consistent with the JPACE process and a helpful tool for orientation and meeting preparation.
"If you work on a lobster boat, sneaking up behind people and pinching them is probably a joke that gets old real fast."
- Jack Handey