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Sales Productivity Checklist


Whether you are selling products and services or selling a project itself, it doesn't hurt to brush up on your sales skills.

Self-Documenting Code Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

Code is a developer's signature on a software project, and not all developers play by the rules of good coding standards. Ensure that your development team leaves a coding legacy that not only implements the application at hand but can be understood by others and maintained during future development cycles.

Setting Up a Program Management Office

PREMIUM checklist
by Frank Winters

So you don't know how to get up and go with your PMO? Get the green light with this checklist, designed to keep you focused as you initiate this important step.

Skill Requirements Worksheet and Questionnaire

PREMIUM checklist
by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

UPDATED TEMPLATE! A core requirement of building a project team is identifying the people that you need to work with. The skill requirements worksheet and questionnaire is a planning tool to support thinking about the expertise and skills that you need in your project team.

Software Accessibility Checklist

by Luc K. Richard

This checklist should serve as a tool for evaluating the extent to which software applications are accessible to most people with disabilities.

Software Package Procurement Checklist


So, you're in the market to buy a software package, and you're putting that RFP together. Take a few minutes to go through this checklist to make sure you aren't forgetting anything important.

Software Testing Principles Checklist


Do you know how to thoroughly and efficiently test the software product you have so painstakingly built? Don't risk delivering a faulty software product due to insufficient or unfocused testing. Use this list to check whether you are testing smart--or just testing!

Sponsor Checklist: Business Case

PREMIUM checklist
by Michelle Stronach

The aim of your business case is to gain organizational support and funding approval for an initiative by providing all necessary rationale for informed decision making. You as the sponsor must document the business case after satisfactory analysis has been conducted to understand business need, examine alternatives and conclude recommendations. Use this checklist as a reference in building a better business case.

Start of Project Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

The beginning of a project is a busy and exciting time. It is easy to overlook details that may have a major effect on the course of the project. Use this checklist to assure yourself that the details are covered before you launch into action.


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Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail.

- Jack Handey

