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4 items found

Go/No Go Production Readiness Checklist

PREMIUM checklist
by Anthony Solis

Use this Go/No Go production readiness checklist to assess if your organization is prepared to deploy an application. This spreadsheet aims for a composite or holistic view between the business and technical aspects of an application deployment. There are 36 questions in nine categories to respond "yes" or "no" to, with self-adjustable weighting and a final score.

Guide to Deployment Readiness Checklists

PREMIUM checklist

This document, upon approval and sign-off, assumes the following as it serves as a pre-approval stage deliverable confirming the deployment of the new project/product into production: (1) All project stakeholders and project support organizations have been consulted prior to project/product deployment; (2) Identified tasks during the Project Planning phase have been completed, or that these tasks are implemented to best possible ability of the project team (with documented approvals and exceptions).

Guide to Effective Consultant Selection and Contracting

PREMIUM checklist
by Joe Wynne

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure all of your Ts are crossed and all of your Is are dotted. This checklist includes all you need to be aware of before making that final, crucial decision.

Guide to Interviewing Individuals

PREMIUM checklist

Going into an interview unprepared wastes time and money, and can ruin your repuatation as a manager. Whether you're addressing a workforce problem, gathering client requirements or getting information from stakeholders, this preparation checklist will help you get the most out of your next interview.



"The reason why worry kills more people than hard work is that more people worry than work."

- Robert Frost

