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PREMIUM presentation
by NK Shrivastava, Phillip George
Many times, project managers are not sure what that next step should be after they earn their Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification. In this webinar, we will describe several possible career paths based on our experience and share tips on how to get started.
PREMIUM presentation
It is very daunting and challenging for a decent sized organisation to change service providers. These service providers range from financial services (banks), IT providers, accountancy etc. There are too many moving parts and could potentially cause a lot of headaches. If not managed well, this can lead to business disruptions, losses and might affect the reputation of the company. As such, transition management is important to manage the scope, timelines and costs of change. Transition manager also manages the communication between all stakeholders and resolve any conflicts that potentially could delay the transition go live. Transition management is basically not as complicated and does not utilize all the PMBOK knowledge areas but certain PM skills are required.
PREMIUM presentation
by Nidhi Shah
This webinar highlights the need for developing an integrated framework for leadership identification & development. It outlines the key steps which are recommended to be taken by companies looking to implement a successful Leadership Identification and Development program.
PREMIUM presentation
This presentation will help you identifiy key project stakeholders, the roles they play, and how everyone needs to work together.
PREMIUM presentation
by Trajano Leme Filho
Do you know how the future Project Management will looks like? Are you afraid of the transformations? So, this webinar is for you! We will discuss the future of work in our role. The transformations brought about by AI and Robotization can be seen in different ways, depending on the lens with which professionals see the challenges and changes underway. Let's talk about these two big trends of the moment and how they can be considered allies in generating efficiency and not just as an additional source of anxiety and how they reflect on the impact in the future of work.
PREMIUM presentation
by Naila Qazi
The current economic landscape is swept by one disruption after another – the only real strategy to survive each new trend is to embrace change management strategies. ‘Nimble’ organizations that are willing to make quick decisions and in the nick of time are the ones that can survive the toughest ordeals – from global pandemics to regulatory bottlenecks. Change can be organizational-wide, team-based and may stem from a number of factors – from technology to internal politics and everything in between. In this case, learning how to manage organizational change is a key component of leadership and survivability in the grand scheme of things.
PREMIUM presentation
by Sean Whitaker
The profession of project management can be stressful and to perform at their very best (and increase the chances of project success) a project manager must ensure that they are looking after their own wellbeing. This presentation will give attendees practical skills and exercises they can use to increase their levels of wellbeing and authentic happiness.
PREMIUM presentation
by Brian Cohn, Mark Adler Madsen
The goal of our project execution engine is to deliver value to the organization. But we often don’t manage them that way. We have learned in our factories to balance the capacity of the various steps in our processes and to limit the flow of jobs into the system. We see the inventory build-up and risk becoming obsolete before it can be consumed. Why, then, do we treat our projects differently? In this session we will talk about ways to meter the input to the project execution system to maximize the value of our output and dramatically reduce value lost to work that goes stale. The core of the system is having a list of prioritized projects ready to execute and pulling when there is capacity to start another one. In an ideal world this will mean that we never need to trade priorities of the running projects - we’ve only put as many into the system as we can execute efficiently in parallel. But the world isn’t ideal and there will still be conflicts between the running projects - though many fewer than before. When conflicts occur, we often prioritize ineffectually. We’ll talk about principles that can lead us to wiser decisions when choosing when and whether to give a project with a problem a boost.
by Chivonne Algeo, Katrina Pugh
With the move online, we could just begrudgingly endure the meetings and emails. Or, we could build trust, inspire team cohesion, and drive astonishing impact. When we move from in-person work to virtual (or hybrid) work, our communication frequency, structure, participation, and even content change. We risk wasting time in misunderstanding, false-agreement or rework. The Four Discussion Disciplines (4DDs - integrity, courtesy, inclusion and translation) are practices teams can use on email, in meetings, or in posts to address this. In this session, Katrina Pugh (Columbia University, New York, NY) and Chivonne Algeo (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) will discuss how to lead the 4DDs with your teams, across your organization, and with partners to improve meaning-making and relationship-building.
by Larry Prusak , Stephen Townsend , Jill Diffendal, Tammy Ashraf, PMI-ACP, Peter Temes, Barry O'Reilly
Join three of our Center Stage podcast guests for a provocative dialogue on how knowledge coupled with unlearning enable innovation. Guest Larry Prusak highlighted the true competitive edge of knowledge, “When you have a project team, it matters far less what an individual knows. It matters greatly what the team knows.” Does this threaten the value of a project manager? Both Larry and guest Barry O’Reilly caution against knowledge becoming stale. Larry says, “Refresh the knowledge you have. Always be open. Always be learning.” But Barry believes you may have to throw some of what you know in the trash: "It’s…the inability to unlearn existing mindsets and behaviors that were effective in the past but now are maybe limiting your success." What does this mean for adhering to methodologies when faced with uncertain requirements, divergent stakeholders and evolving delivery methods? As Peter Temes points out, there is often a tension between managing for efficiency and managing for discovery. Does managing for efficiency hold you back from finding innovative ways of working?
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"I'm not saying anything. There is no message."
- John Lennon