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by Chivonne Algeo, Katrina Pugh
With the move online, we could just begrudgingly endure the meetings and emails. Or, we could build trust, inspire team cohesion, and drive astonishing impact. When we move from in-person work to virtual (or hybrid) work, our communication frequency, structure, participation, and even content change. We risk wasting time in misunderstanding, false-agreement or rework. The Four Discussion Disciplines (4DDs - integrity, courtesy, inclusion and translation) are practices teams can use on email, in meetings, or in posts to address this. In this session, Katrina Pugh (Columbia University, New York, NY) and Chivonne Algeo (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) will discuss how to lead the 4DDs with your teams, across your organization, and with partners to improve meaning-making and relationship-building.
by Larry Prusak , Stephen Townsend , Jill Diffendal, Tammy Ashraf, PMI-ACP, Peter Temes, Barry O'Reilly
Join three of our Center Stage podcast guests for a provocative dialogue on how knowledge coupled with unlearning enable innovation. Guest Larry Prusak highlighted the true competitive edge of knowledge, “When you have a project team, it matters far less what an individual knows. It matters greatly what the team knows.” Does this threaten the value of a project manager? Both Larry and guest Barry O’Reilly caution against knowledge becoming stale. Larry says, “Refresh the knowledge you have. Always be open. Always be learning.” But Barry believes you may have to throw some of what you know in the trash: "It’s…the inability to unlearn existing mindsets and behaviors that were effective in the past but now are maybe limiting your success." What does this mean for adhering to methodologies when faced with uncertain requirements, divergent stakeholders and evolving delivery methods? As Peter Temes points out, there is often a tension between managing for efficiency and managing for discovery. Does managing for efficiency hold you back from finding innovative ways of working?
by Natalya Sergeeva
Managers construct narratives of innovation and ascribe themselves with informal roles such as leaders and champions of innovation (Sergeeva, 2016; Sergeeva and Green, 2019; Sergeeva and Liu, 2019). They are expected to create and communicate innovation narratives for both internal employees and stakeholders. The presentation discusses the crucial role of innovation leaders in stimulating and promoting innovations in projects and organizations. The processes of narrating and leading are connected and are important processes in project organizing. These processes are increasingly recognized as essential for successful delivery of projects/megaprojects that impact policy-making, strategizing, the economy and society as a whole. In this webinar, you will learn about Innovation narratives and leadership, and processes of leading and narrating. Key definitions and examples will be discussed. The presentation is based on longitudinal research studies in innovation and project management research.
gantthead and Serena Software present this webinar, featuring Mark Perry and Stephen Godbe, PMO Director for Univar USA.
by Tolitha Lewis, Irene Didinsky
Introduction webinar for the June 2018 Book Club Selection, Practitioner's Guide to Program Management by Irene Didinsky
The recent release of the Realtime Publisher’s eBook - The Executive Guide to Improving Your Business through IT Portfolio Management - has brought the IT Portfolio Management model to the forefront in suggesting ways to transform IT into becoming a driving force for corporate growth. This webinar further explores the eBook.
by Sean Whitaker, Lorelie Kaid
Are you ready to shine? Do you want to know more about PMI Professional Awards? Is there a person, project, or PMO that has outstanding performance to be recognized globally? If you answered yes to any of these, please join us to learn how to determine which award nomination might be most appropriate. We will share best practices, sage advice, and new updates on submitting a nomination. In 2019, ALL nominations will be completed online, so save time by joining this informative webinar.
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
- Muhammad Ali