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Citizen Development: The Handbook for Creators and Change Makers

Author: PMI | ISBN: 9781628256710

This book brings together the latest thinking on citizen development from industry thought leaders, no-code/low-code vendors, transformation experts, and executives who oversee large technology investments. It guides organizations to deliver citizen development projects, design better apps, scale the operating model, align key stakeholders, and nurture and grow citizen development.

A Pocket Guide to Stakeholders' Engagement

Author: George Jucan, MSc, PMP, OCP | ISBN: 978-1973146247

Stakeholder engagement is (arguably) the most underestimated area of project management—and yet so decisive for achieving project success. Effectively engaging stakeholders can make or break a project—more than any methodology, tools or techniques. For years, the author has been presenting at conferences about his approach to obtaining appropriate stakeholder engagement in projects. That session evolved into a workshop, and finally in this book. The material includes a generic foundation to make sure that key concepts are not missed, as well as his personal approach.

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition

Author: PMI | ISBN: 978-1628253825

To support the broadening spectrum of project delivery approaches, PMI is offering A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition along with the new Agile Practice Guide as one package. The PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition now contains detailed information about agile; while the Agile Practice Guide, created in partnership with Agile Alliance®, serves as a bridge to connect waterfall and agile. Together they are a powerful tool for project managers.

Agile Project Management For Dummies (2nd Edition)

Author: Mark C. Layton | ISBN: 1119405696

Agile project management is a fast and flexible approach to managing all projects, not just software development. By learning the principles and techniques in this book, you'll be able to create a product roadmap, schedule projects, and prepare for product launches with the ease of Agile software developers. You'll discover how to manage scope, time, and cost, as well as team dynamics, quality, and risk of every project.

Agile Practice Guide

Author: PMI

Receive the Agile Practice Guide when you purchase the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition. Created in partnership with Agile Alliance®, the Agile Practice Guide* provides tools, situational guidelines and an understanding of the various agile approaches available to enable better results. It is especially useful for those project managers accustomed to a more traditional environment to adapt to a more agile approach.

The Business of Portfolio Management

Author: Iain Fraser | ISBN: 9781628253726

This offers keys to adopting a new approach to portfolio management that boosts organizational value.The author proposes a solution that lies in using the value management framework to link organizational strategy to portfolio content and to delivery mechanisms. Case study examples illuminate in-depth discussions explaining the value management framework, implementation and delivery techniques, portfolio leadership qualities, key roles and professional development, and change management. Also included is an overview of organizational maturity models as well as tools and techniques to implement, execute and measure their benefits and value contribution.

The Practitioner's Guide to Program Management

ISBN: 9781628253689

Programs serve as a crucial link between strategy and the execution of business results and organizations implement them to achieve strategic goals. Although the practice of program management has evolved in lockstep with the project management profession, the root causes of program failure remain. In this step-by-step guide, Irene Didinsky offers a standardized approach to program management, closing the knowledge gaps and variations that currently exist across organizations and industries. For the first time, The Practitioner's Guide to Program Management walks the reader through all the key components of effective program management.

Implementing Positive Organizational Change – A Strategic Project Management Approach

Author: Gina Abudi | ISBN: 978-1604271331

In today’s increasingly competitive global marketplace, organizations that do not regularly undertake change initiatives will find it difficult—if not impossible—to continue to be successful in the long term. Most organizations only launch change initiatives when forced to address some pain, such as decreased revenues or profits, where the sole focus is on the benefits to the organization. Often, the people side of change management is overlooked, causing 60-70% of these efforts to fail. Implementing Positive Organizational Change explains how to develop a continuous improvement culture of change that will be perceived by employees as a positive opportunity to create something new, exciting and valuable, instead of something negative to confront and resist. This comprehensive guide describes how to communicate with and engage stakeholders and employees to gain buy-in and support, and outlines a strategic project management approach that helps ensure successful implementation and desired results.

Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering

Author: Eric Rebentisch | ISBN: 9781119258926

Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering shows how organizations can become more effective, more efficient and more responsive, and enjoy better performance outcomes. The discussion begins with an overview of key concepts, and details the challenges faced by system engineering and program management practitioners every day. The practical framework that follows describes how the roles can be integrated successfully to streamline project workflow, with a catalog of tools for assessing and deploying best practices. Case studies detail how real-world companies have successfully implemented the framework to improve cost, schedule and technical performance, and coverage of risk management throughout helps you ensure the success of your organization's own integration strategy. Available course outlines and PowerPoint slides bring this book directly into the academic or corporate classroom, and the discussion's practical emphasis provides a direct path to implementation.

Project and Program Turnaround

Author: Thomas Pavelko | ISBN: 9781138626805

The U.S. economy thrives on the development of new products, new systems and new processes. Usually, these advances start as a flash of inspiration by highly creative individuals. It is complex and difficult to go from initial inspiration to a final product, process or system. So it is not surprising that approximately one out of every four development programs fails. A development program or project in trouble is distinct from a program encountering typical development difficulties. Such a program or project can appear to be in free fall. This book identifies the essential fundamentals for executing a program or project turnaround effectively.


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If you can't convince them, confuse them.

- Harry Truman

