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13 items found

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Effective Opportunity Management for Projects

Author: David Hillson | ISBN: 0-8247-4808-5

Despite being written over a decade ago, this major work remains the leading resource for people wanting to capture upside risk. It makes the case for inclusion of opportunity management within the traditional risk process, and provides detailed descriptions of simple proven tools and techniques to make it work in practice. Adopted widely as a university textbook, it also offers clear guidance for practitioners on how to exploit positive risk.

Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme

Author: Robert Wysocki | ISBN: 1118729161

Now in its seventh edition, this comprehensive guide to project management has long been considered the standard for both professionals and academics. Well-known expert Robert Wysocki has added more than 100 pages of new content based on instructor feedback, enhancing the coverage of best-of-breed methods and tools for ensuring project management success.

Enterprise Application Integration

Author: David S. Linthicum | ISBN: 0201615835

Organizations that are able to integrate their applications and data sources have a distinct competitive advantage: strategic utilization of company data and technology for greater efficiency and profit. But IT managers attempting integration face daunting challenges--disparate legacy systems; a hodgepodge of hardware, operating systems, and networking technology; proprietary packaged applications; and more.
Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review .

Enterprise Knowledge Management: The Data Quality Approach

Author: David Loshin | ISBN: 0124558402

"Enterprise Knowledge Management presents an easily adaptable methodology for defining data quality by laying out an economic framework and giving mapping-based approaches to consolidating enterprise knowledge...covers data warehousing, mining and discovery."

Enterprise Project Portfolio Management: Building Competencies for R&D and IT Investment Success

Author: Richard Bayney and Ram Chakravarti | ISBN: 978-1-60427-060-0

This unique guide and professional reference presents a structured framework for practitioners and students of project, program, and portfolio management to enhance their strategic and analytic capabilities in the evolving discipline of project portfolio management (PPM). It provides a practical, step-by-step approach to building competencies in categorizing, evaluating, optimizing, prioritizing, and managing an IT, pharmaceutical, biotech or other complex R&D-oriented portfolio of investments.

E-Profit: High-Payoff Strategies for Capturing the E-Commerce Edge

Author: Peter S. Cohan | ISBN: 0814405444

If you're afraid your organization is lagging in e-commerce, you're actually in good company. While the media seems to abound in Internet business success stories, the reality is that few companies have made the transition. Even fewer have done it profitably. Nonetheless, sales through e-commerce are predicted to grow to $1.2 trillion by 2002. To capture your share of the action, the time to implement your strategy is now. This book provides a uniquely practical blueprint - one focused on measurable return on investment.


Author: Bernadette Tiernan | ISBN: 1574101293

This book offers a step-by-step approach for incorporating electronic commerce into existing and start-up businesses.

Exploring E-commerce, Global E-business and E-societies

Author: Craig Fellenstein , Ron Wood | ISBN: 0130848468

No matter how large or small your enterprise, you need a coherent strategy for incorporating E-commerce into your business model. In Exploring E-commerce, Global E-business, and E-societies, two of IBM's top E-commerce experts address every critical business, competitive, and technological challenge you face in defining and implementing your optimal E-commerce strategy. Discover how your company can leverage the key enablers of E-commerce -- and take full advantage of the dramatic changes the Internet is driving throughout society. Coverage includes: E-business value chain management, E-business intelligence; new techniques for anticipating your customers' needs and desires, design quality, and E-business models for financial services, manufacturing, and other key markets.
Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review .


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Do, or else do not. There is no 'try'.

- Yoda

