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Author: Project Management Institute
How did you end up in the position of project manager? From switching careers to becoming a transformational leader to accidentally falling into the field, 11 seasoned practitioners share their stories--and the valuable lessons they have learned over the years--in this new PDF ebook.
Author: Al Ries, Laura Ries
ISBN: 0060196211
Marketing guru and bestselling author Al Ries untangles the confusion of Internet marketing.
Author: Jack G. Ganssle
ISBN: 0750698691
The Art of Designing Embedded Systems is a practical, comprehensive guide to developing embedded systems aimed at the practicing developer. Topics include best practices for speedier design and problem avoidance, how systems work, planning for problems, making common-sense choices, and good tools.
Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review .
Author: Iain Fraser
ISBN: 9781628253726
This offers keys to adopting a new approach to portfolio management that boosts organizational value.The author proposes a solution that lies in using the value management framework to link organizational strategy to portfolio content and to delivery mechanisms. Case study examples illuminate in-depth discussions explaining the value management framework, implementation and delivery techniques, portfolio leadership qualities, key roles and professional development, and change management. Also included is an overview of organizational maturity models as well as tools and techniques to implement, execute and measure their benefits and value contribution.
Author: Gerard M. Hill
ISBN: 978-1439801543
This publication presents effective and detailed project management guidance in three interrelated components. The innovative, matrix-based concept is based on the ProjectPRISM Project Management Methodology. It introduces the four project management phases of Profile, Plan, Perform and Post as they relate to the six performance elements of customer, project, staff, vendors, business, and management. All of this is brought together with process-aligned tools that can be prepared right on your computer screen.
Author: Gerard M. Hill
ISBN: 978-1420046809
The Complete Project Management Office Handbook, Second Edition identifies the PMO as the essential business integrator of the people, processes and tools that manage or influence project performance. This book details how the PMO applies professional project management practices and successfully integrates business interests with project goals--regardless of whether the scope of the PMO is limited to managing a handful of specific projects or expanded to oversee the total practice of project management within the organization.
Author: Ralph Kimball, Laura Reeves, Margy Ross, Warren Thornthwaite
ISBN: 0471255475
Ralph Kimball's bestselling The Data Warehouse Toolkit explained how to design data warehouses using the dimensional modeling technique he developed. This perfect complement to that book shows how dimensional design fits in the overall lifecycle of planning, designing, developing and deploying data marts and data warehouses. Based on the real experiences of four leading data warehouse developers and offering timely case studies, this book provides developers with the fine details on how to master each step in the process. It also covers how to design data marts that are well integrated with the overall data warehouse design.
Author: Ralph Kimball
ISBN: 0471153370
The bible for dimensional data modeling If you're about to embark on building a star-schema for your warehouse, there is no better place to start than here.
Author: Peter M. Senge
ISBN: 0385260954
An MIT professor's pathbreaking book on building "learning organizations" -- corporations that overcome inherent obstacles to learning and develop dynamic ways to pinpoint the threats that face them and to recognize new opportunities. Not only is the learning organization a new source of competitive advantage, it also offers a marvelously empowering approach to work, one which promises that, as Archimedes put it, "with a lever long enough... single-handed, I can move the world."
Author: Michael Wood
ISBN: 0965980936
After over twelve years of field research and development, HELIX's time is now. It has been used to help many companies. By applying the HELIX Factor companies can: build measurable objectives, replace arbitrary cost cutting measures, generate employee commitment to improvement and teamwork, enhance learning opportunities, and integrate Ideas from top management to line employees. Learn how to build better, faster, more profitable business processes .
A revolutionary workplace-tested method for improving how all businesses and organizations operate. Through 17 basic principals, a company can successfully plan, conduct and enhance its business processes and deliver massive value to its customers, owners and employees.
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"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time--a tremendous whack."
- Winston Churchill