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If Quality was the key word in the industrial scene of 20th century, Sustainability has taken its place in the next century. After witnessing devastating floods, hurricanes and unbelievable climatic changes in almost all parts of the world, everyone has started taking their own survival a bit more seriously now. Science and Technology personnel hav...
This technique is used to set specific objectives for an enterprise as a whole and/or for a particular enterprise change project or initiative. An objective can be defined as a specific result the enterprise (or project) would like to achieve with...
white paper
Getting your customers' feedback can help you understand best what they want, need and liked or disliked. Gathering feedback is often seen as a means to an end, rather than a proactive continuous way to better your overall strategy.
Author: E. M. Bennatan
ISBN: 0-471-37644-2
Real-life case studies give you guidance on keeping your project cost-effective and timely. The advice in this book is applicable in small or large companies, local or multinational.
white paper
by Thomas Luke Jarocki
Project management is primarily an integrative job. This includes the integration of change management principles and activities throughout the project lifecycle. Unfortunately, many practitioners--regardless of their backgrounds--find it difficult to integrate strong change management principles and techniques with project management practices. PMI standards hold many of the keys required for developing structured and robust change management
activities without the need to create a separate or adjunct change management plan.
Author: Mark Kozak-Holland
ISBN: 1931182345
Titanic’s maiden voyage was a disaster waiting to happen as a result of the compromises made in the project. On-line, On-time, On-budget: Titanic Lessons for the e-business Executive by IBM Senior e-business Consultant Mark Kozak-Holland explores how non-IT executives can take lessons from a nuts-and-bolts construction project like Titanic and use those lessons to ensure the right approach to developing on-line operations. Looking at this historical project as a model will prove to be incisive as it cuts away the layers of IT jargon and complexity.
Organizational culture refers to culture in any type of organization including that of schools, universities, not-for-profit groups, government agencies, or business entities. In business, terms such as corporate culture and company culture are sometimes used to refer to a similar concept. The term corporate culture became widely known in the busin...
A graphic technique to summarize the results of reengineering a complex work flow that comprises a value stream or process. This technique can also be used to help examine the interaction between various resources, human and other parameters, within an organization. Opportunities for improvements in the interactions and/or breakthroughs can be highlighted.
Organizational learning is the process by which managers seek to improve organization members’ capacity to understand and learn the organization’s internal and external environments. In turn, members will perform to their capacity in carrying out their duties and progressively learn when they met with difficulties; hence they can make decisions and achieved objectives that continuously raise organizational effectiveness.
This technique analyzes the established culture and the indicators of how ready an organization is for radical changes in the way it does business, now and in the future. An Organizational Readiness Assessment is performed as part of an evaluation of the social systems for the enterprise. (The social systems are the structure to motivate, pay, and drive people to perform a process.) This excludes the technical systems.
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I watched the Indy 500, and I was thinking that if they left earlier they wouldn't have to go so fast.
- Steven Wright