Now widely adopted as the de facto industry standard and sanctioned by the Object Management Group, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a notation all software developers need to know and understand. However, the UML is a big language, and not all of it is equally important. The award-winning first edition of UML Distilled was widely praised for being a concise guide to the core parts of the UML and has proved extremely successful in helping developers get up and running quickly. UML Distilled, Second Edition, maintains the concise format with significantly updated coverage of use cases and activity diagrams, and expanded coverage of collaborations. It also includes a new appendix detailing the changes between UML versions. Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review .
The U.S. Senate has unanimously re-approved S.1550,the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2015 (PMIAA), which will enhance accountability and best practices in project and program management throughout the federal government. The legislation, strongly endorsed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), has now cleared both chambers of Congress with bi-partisan support and will go to President Barack Obama for his signature.
Texel and Williams utilize Jacobson's highly-effective new Use Cases technique, which provides the basis for builds/releases, work allocation, progress monitoring, and other processes. Throughout the book, they present techniques for evolving current software design processes to an advanced, formal framework -- while minimizing disruption and maximizing payoff.
We all know how difficult it is to achieve project success without complete product requirements. Yet gathering complete requirements without exhausting the project schedule and budget remains elusive for many project managers. When new technology is added to the mix, the challenges are even greater.
User experience (UX) is a person's entire experience using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person’s perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency. U...
The best way to build software that meets users' needs is to begin with "user stories": simple, clear, brief descriptions of functionality that will be valuable to real users. In User Stories Applied, Mike Cohn provides you with a front-to-back blueprint for writing these user stories and weaving them into your development lifecycle. You'll learn what makes a great user story, and what makes a bad one. You'll discover practical ways to gather user stories, even when you can't speak with your users. Then, once you've compiled your user stories, Cohn shows how to organize them, prioritize them and use them for planning, management and testing.
It's not a good idea to map each story point to working hours; it conflicts with the reason for using story points. To solve our problem, we can nonetheless do something similar.
"Weaseling out of things is good. It's what separates us from the other animals....except weasels."