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Daily Scrum


The Daily Scrum is a 15-minute time-boxed meeting held every day at the same location and is intended for the Development Team. At this meeting, the Development Team plans work for the next 24 hours.

Data Mining Techniques For Marketing, Sales and Customer Support

Author: Michael J.A. Berry and Gordon Linoff | ISBN: 0471179809

Learn how to quickly and easily access the wealth of information in your information systems. With data mining, companies can analyze customers' past behaviors in order to make strategic decisions for the future. This book is a practical guide to mining business data to help marketers and business managers focus their marketing and sales strategies. It explains how each mining technique works and what kinds of business problems each one can solve.

Data Resource Quality: Turning Bad Habits into Good Practices

Author: Michael H. Brackett | ISBN: 0201713063

Poor data quality impacts every facet of today's private enterprises and public organizations. The deplorable condition of this critical resource in organizations around the world lowers productivity, impedes the creation of decision support systems (such as data warehousing), and hinders the development of e-commerce and other strategic initiatives. The future success of organizations will greatly depend on how well they design and maintain their data resources.
Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review.

Data Warehouse Overview

white paper

Business users in today's information-saturated world are demanding -- they want the right information they need to conduct their work, without having to wait for it when they need it or sift through lots of irrelevant information to find what they need. Data warehousing is one of today's hottest informational architectures for serving this need. Read all about it


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"Of course I'm ambitious. What's wrong with that? Otherwise you sleep all day."

- Ringo Starr

