6 items found
PREMIUM white paper
by Mark Waldof
Meetings are an essential aspect of making organizations productive. Unfortunately, many meetings are boring and a waste of time. This seminar offers tips along with a tool that can help any meeting. The ideas presented are an excerpt from a full day workshop and offer key ideas and methods that are effective and easy to implement. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
PREMIUM white paper
by David Hillson
Project risk covers more than uncertain future events. If you don’t recognize all the risks you end up taking them with your eyes shut. Find out what you're missing, and discover the other types of risk that affect your project, together with practical strategies for addressing them. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
PREMIUM white paper
by Thomas Luke Jarocki
Enhancing Project Execution with Change Management Tools and Techniques.This provocative webinar finally makes the logical connection between project management and change management. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
PREMIUM white paper
by Cynthia C. Mercer, Joseph Houser
All future events come with some degree of uncertainty. When the uncertainty affects the outcome of the event in a negative manner, it is considered a risk. The ability to quantify the likelihood of the risk’s occurrence with the monetary value of its impact is a major goal of Risk Management (RM). This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
PREMIUM white paper
by Pablo Lledo
This webinar examines why projects fail by looking at the impacts of uncertainty and risk and suggests ways to manage project risk. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
PREMIUM white paper
by Ellen Gottesdiener
Join Ellen Gottesdiener, author, facilitator, practitioner, and trainer, as she shares tools and techniques for efficiently and effectively identifying and managing product scope. Learn how you can provide real value to your projects by reducing the risks of scope creep while establishing clear project focus. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
"I would have made a good Pope. "
- Richard M. Nixon