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The 1%-10% Rule is used to determine the proper level of detail while breaking down the work of a project. The rule states that the lowest level of activities in the WBS of a project should have a duration no less than 1% of the project duration and not more than 10% of the project duration.
3-Points is a technique used by professionals in estimating. This technique use the three figures that are produced initially for every distribution that is required, based on prior experience or best-guesses:
5S represents Japanese words that describe the steps of a workplace organization process. English equivalent words are shown in parenthesis.
5W2H is a very simple and effective technique for guiding people simply and clearly, as well as understanding certain situations (needs, problems), documenting them, identifying alternatives and generating an action plan to solve them.
The 7 Cs provide a checklist to make sure your meetings, emails, conference calls, reports and presentations are well built and clear - so your audience gets your message.
You have probably read or heard of the magic formula “7% of communication is transmitted by words, 38% by tone of voice and 55% by body language!”, described as a universal rule of communication. Is this really so?
Acceptance of risk involves recognition that the risk is a factor, and that the project team is not actively changing its approach to the project to respond to it. Acceptance is not the same as ignoring the risk, however. Contingency plans should be put in place to be able to respond to the risk should it occur.
Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) is a practice in which the whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria, with examples, and then distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before development begins.
Accountability is an individual's requirement to accept the consequences, both positive and negative, for activities and actions. Often, an individual in a leadership position is held accountable for actions taken by subordinate team members.
An action Item is work that is a follow-on activity, usually to a meeting. It is often an action arising out of the conversation, but not core to accomplishing meeting objectives. A project manager will formally schedule an action item to ensure the necessary activity is noted and assigned, but scheduled to be completed later so as not to derail the meeting.
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"If you must play, decide on three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes and the quitting time."
- Chinese Proverb