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O Sponsor, Where Art Thou? 5 Ways to Ensure Sponsor Engagement

by Lonnie Pacelli

Even with the best of intentions, the sponsor/PM dance can feel more like one is doing a jitterbug and the other a waltz. What can the PM do to better ensure sponsor engagement and address where the sponsor is drifting?

Obey the (Software) Laws

by Don Beckett

Many business leaders are unacquainted with the wealth of knowledge about how software projects behave. No surprise, they are unable to explain why these projects fail repeatedly, much less do something about it. Here are five fundamental “laws” of software development that all executives (and teams) should understand and follow.

Objective Comparison of Project Complexity and Performance of Project Managers in the Banking Environment

by Ivan Poliacik, PhD, PMP

Evaluation of project manager performance after completion can be a challenging part of any project. Use of objective criteria to measure project complexity should supplement evaluation of scope-time-budget performance and subjective factors. The author provides a comparison matrix, designed for a banking environment, that can be applied to any area of project management. The comparison matrix can also be published to the team, to compare performance with colleagues and for self-evaluation.

Object-Oriented Project Management (O2PM) Objectizing Work

by K.R. Chandrashekar

Most of the project management methodologies are task based, thus demanding the project manager orchestrate continuously to maintain the health of the project. O2PM is a new project management methodology that marries two well-developed areas—object-oriented analysis and project management. In O2PM, we move away from the task-based allocation of work to the deliverable-based allocation of work, which will bring about many changes in the way we look at work allocation and monitoring.

Observations from Orlando: PMOs are Embracing Change

by Ben Chamberlain

The Gartner Program & Portfolio Management Summit is generally regarded as one of the premier events for project management professionals. This year, many of the event’s attendees were actively taking steps toward embracing the changes that Gartner continues to warn us will one day rock our worlds. One attendee explores his experience.

Obstacles to Enterprise Agility

by Michael James, CollabNet Certified Scrum Trainer

Most attempts to adopt Scrum in large organizations do not result in durable, ongoing transformation. Obstacles to Scrum adoption are usually obstacles to business success in general, and established organizations are usually reluctant to let go of them. Here we look at seven obstacles to enterprise agility, where bad thinking is half the problem.

Occam’s Razor for Work Breakdown Structure and Three-Dimensional Time Scheduling

by Oleksandr Tugayev

This article is about Deliverables – Activities – Time (DAT) charts—a new three-dimensional presentation of the classic instruments in project management: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt and PERT charts. The aim is to create simpler and more presentable project management charts.

Occupation or Vocation?

by Jay Hicks

One of the many challenges that we face as we develop professionally is the vexing question of the pursuit of our dreams versus paying the bills. That's because many of us have yet to discern the difference between our occupation and our vocation.

Of Collaboration and Conflict

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

We are social beings. So why is it so painful to collaborate in real life? Why does collaboration look so great in theory—and hurt so much in practice? How conflict is handled has a great deal to do with how groups do and don’t work.


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"Weaseling out of things is good. It's what separates us from the other animals....except weasels."

- Homer Simpson

