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¿Por Qué Fallan las PMO en Ecuador?

by Jose Gonzalez

¿Que es una PMO?, ¿cuales son sus funciones?, ¿en qué nos ayuda en una empresa?, son preguntas que siempre se hacen cuando se comienza a diseñar e implementar una Ofician de Gestión de Proyectos (PMO). Pero ya en su trabajo diario ¿que tan útil es?, ¿qué se debe hacer para que se mantenga en el tiempo y madure?. Este estudio da algunas razones muy frecuente de porque fallan las PMOs en el Ecuador y que quizas se puede extrapolar a otros paises.

‘Consultant’ or ‘Contractor’: Does It Matter?

by Andy Jordan

Are you a PM consultant or a contract PM? Is there a practical difference, or is it just semantics? For many people, the terms have become synonyms for each other, but that’s not quite right. Let’s explore why...

‘Good Enough’ Is Old Enough

by Andy Jordan

Project managers are getting younger, and it’s not just because the rest of us are getting older. Is it problematic to have less experienced PMs? How do we expect younger and less experienced employees to gain that experience and understanding?

‘Planning is Cool’: Motivating Kids with Youth Fiction

by Gary M. Nelson, PMP

The author of the Project Kids Adventures series sat down with the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation to share his motivations for bringing project management content to youth—and what we can expect next.

‘What’ Before ‘How’

by Adriana Beal

Are you working in a “what” or a “how” organization? The latter makes it difficult for a business analyst to make an impact on value creation. A career-minded BA should aim to work for a “what” enterprise, where there will be high-level opportunities to identify, prioritize and align business objectives with capabilities.

’Twas the Night Before Chaos

by Andy Jordan

A (not very) true story of Christmas in one household can teach us a few important project management lessons. Before you get too stressed, put in some proper planning, calm down and enjoy our annual holiday sidetrack.

“Technology Trinity” for Project Managers: People, Process, and Technology

by Brandi Narvaez

When things go wrong in a project, project and program managers should ask themselves: Did I honor the technology trinity? There are three key components that should be honored in any technology project: people, processes, and technology. There is an art to evaluating the trinity, and project managers need to become more analytical and question and validate understandings, assumptions, and changes for all three components of the technology trinity.


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I can't go to a bad movie by myself. What, am I gonna make sarcastic remarks to strangers?

- Jerry Seinfeld

