Daily Build Process
byIf you're not sold on the value of a daily build process, shame on you. If you do understand its importance, here's a simple 10-step approach that you can enforce.
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If you're not sold on the value of a daily build process, shame on you. If you do understand its importance, here's a simple 10-step approach that you can enforce.
In the midst of a crisis, project managers must know how to fight a fire—without fanning the flames.
Straight from the gantthead mailbag, here's some Knowledge Management refreshers on definitions and implementations, unleashing the knowledge trapped in your head and keeping an eye on technology.
The integrative approach to resolving irreconcilable elements and solving functional design problems is what connects the legacy of the Bauhaus school of design to the contemporary practice of design thinking. But what is it? And how can it help with managing innovation projects?
Some managers claim that agile approaches don’t work in large organizations because they have tried--and failed--to deploy agile methods in their company. This article describes one of the major underlying causes for these failed adoptions and makes suggestions for resolving the issue.
As an experienced agile coach, this writer often gets asked about agile tactics and practices--what works and what doesn’t. There are no singular answers, but there are some generative behaviors and rules for agile done well. In this article, he explores a set of common anti-patterns that he sees in an effort to share what not to do in your agile journey.
There is no such thing as a pure waterfall implementation unless you are peering through nature’s lens—and there is no such thing as a pure agile implementation unless you are gazing through a lens of your own making.
Thorough project planning and software wizardry cannot undo the effects of poor decision-making. But many decisions are made in the shadows of a project and escape notice until it is too late. Here is an approach to controlling the risk posed by poor decisions on your project.
Stakeholders need to know the status of a project. A good status report will report status and also foster communication to benefit the project’s health. Here, we explore some of your options.
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"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank." - Woody Allen |