In support of PMIEF’s global youth serving non-profit partnerships, PMI and PMIEF continue to highlight the exceptional student project managers from regions all across the world. Here a student shares his experiences with JA (Junior Achievement) Worldwide.
The most significant challenge for any project manager is when projects shift modes. The shift from startup to execution, and the shift from execution to closeout, requires a change in mindset. Each shift needs the PM to adjust their focus and emphasis--and a corresponding change to how they deal with people.
Like any leading aerospace company, Embraer is driven by a mission to aim higher. The company ranks as one of the world’s largest commercial jet manufacturers, but with newer, more fuel-efficient engines threatening to make its topselling aircraft obsolete, Embraer launched a project to roll out a new family of airplanes—and fast.
From your own resume to job listings, words mean the world. Here's a look at some job listing buzzwords that should have you thinking twice before taking the plunge.
Is job hopping career suicide or a valuable tool to career advancement? The article puts the topic of job hopping in perspective and offers suggestions about how to use it so it leads to better jobs.
Every job hunter fumbles parts of the tedious job-landing process, but one expert notes that four mistakes can add months to an already frustrating pursuit.
There are a few things that the project management consulting profession needs to do in order to ensure that it remains a growth discipline that is perceived as delivering value for clients. And those things that we need to do fall under the general advice of making ourselves unnecessary.