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5 items found

Lessons from PMI Global Congress

by Mike Griffiths

Guess what…this project manager went to a project management conference and it wasn't boring! In fact, it was very memorable. This two-part article recalls some thoughts from attending the recent PMI Global Congress 2016—North America in San Diego.

Lessons Learned: Brainstorming, It's Not What You Think It Is

by Teresa Lawrence, PhD, PMP, CSM, Roger Firestien, PhD

Brainstorming is a recognized idea-generating tool and it certainly has a home in project management. The more ideas you generate, the greater your chances are of coming up with good ideas. Follow these guidelines for a productive brainstorming session.

Lifting the Hood on Project Management: Tweak, Tune & Tailor

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

How do you think about your approach to project management? Is it something well defined and fixed? Is it evolving and flexible? Is it mystical and incomprehensible? Or is it so innate and ingrained that you don’t even think about it? It’s an important question to consider, and one we don’t necessarily explore very often.

Living, Breathing Project Management

by Kimberly Wamba

This article aims to embrace project management as a necessary skill regardless of profession. Its focus is to paint a picture of the profession as a foundation for being able to successfully oversee disparate parts of a whole regardless of environment, managing the components in a way that creates value.

Logical Test Taking

by Randal Gosch, PMP

Despite participating in prep courses, boot camps and other forms of study for certification exams, many people have test anxiety. Follow the author’s suggestions on the day of the test, both before the actual test, as well as during the test, to reduce the stress involved in test taking.



"How much deeper would the ocean be if sponges didn't live there?"

- Steven Wright

