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How to Get Ready for Project Budget Cuts

by Bruce Harpham

As project managers, it’s essential to understand that our project budgets exist in a broader economic reality. Here we explore two vital steps: taking a budget self-assessment, and taking a strategic approach to budget reductions.

How to Develop Credible Project Budgets

by Michael Wood

Money will always be a significant factor in any project you undertake. Having a good handle on how to build credible budgets is essential to successful project management. These approaches can help.

Optimizing Project Environment Efficiency (Part 1)

by Andy Jordan

In most organizations, there are plenty of opportunities to reduce the cost of delivering projects—but it requires an enterprise-wide perspective to identify and address the opportunities.

Showing Your Value as a Project Manager

by Paul Baumgartner, PMP

Seldom do our bosses hear how we project managers prove quantifiable cost savings directly from our efforts. Here’s how one practitioner did so in surprising fashion, with five conclusions to share that can help you prove your worth.

Portfolio Capacity and Capability Assessment

by Paul Bird

How well do we match our project portfolio ambitions with our ability to deliver? There are some considerations that a project organization should be assessing as it builds its annual budget and business plan.

Defined vs. Empirical Process Control: Choosing the Best Approach

by Barry Milteer

This article draws on well-known, basic project management concepts to introduce the high-level project management concepts of defined and empirical process control. It also attempts to contrast them and suggest how they might be used by PMPs in practice.

Capital Allocation Framework—A Strategic Perspective to Value Creation

by Vibhu Sinha

This paper aims to share a strategic perspective on capital allocation and how leveraging this capability, in collaboration with the corporate transformation office or project management office and corporate finance, portfolio managers can successfully steer organizations in pursuing value creation and maximizing shareholder value.

No More Project History Lessons! Adopt a Future Focus Instead

by Paul Bird

The attention paid to recording the recent project past can sometimes sound like a captain reading from a ship’s log—a very boring register that no one will ever want to read again. Instead, focus on the future.

4 Ways to Reduce Costs in Healthcare Design Projects

by Andrea Rufe, Andy Snyder and Molly Wolf

As operating costs and demand care continues to soar, it has become imperative to minimize financial risk in healthcare design projects. Here are four strategies that emphasize ongoing prioritization, repurposing, and collaborative delivery.


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"In opera, there is always too much singing."

- Claude Debussy

