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4 items found

Dealing with Claims in Construction

by Manavasi Ramesh

Claims arise in a project mainly due to lack of clarity in scope and specifications, ambiguities in contract clauses, interface scope with other projects, site conditions and time constraints. Here we discuss various scenarios and issues that can arise during project execution—along with possible solutions to address the issue of claims management in construction projects.

Dealing With Delays in EPC Projects

by Mujahid Akhtar

Delays in engineering, procurement and construction projects almost feel inevitable. However, they can be avoided if we understand and identify their causes before the start of the project—and try to mitigate the gaps during the project lifecycle.

Dealing with Development Regulations: 7 Tips for Public Project Managers

by Hope Gibson

There are several things you can do when presented with development requirements that either don’t seem appropriate for your project—or that present unintended consequences for the often unique, typically very custom projects that public project managers are regularly assigned.

Did You Even Read the RFP?!

by Andy Jordan

Have you ever thought about the RFP process from the other perspective--the potential vendor who responds? An RFP response is more than just a proposal to supply products and/or services; in many cases it is an opportunity to showcase a potential vendor to the procuring organization. But when some vendors reply to RFPs, you have to wonder what they thought that they were bidding on. In this article, we flag some of the things vendors should consider.



Don't be humble. You're not that great.

- Golda Meir

