Racing Toward Success: How F1 in Schools and PMIEF Power Future Innovators
byPMIEF’s student project manager series continues with a Q&A with Naomi Nordeen, a student project manager for her F1 in Schools North America team from Pennsylvania.
PMIEF’s student project manager series continues with a Q&A with Naomi Nordeen, a student project manager for her F1 in Schools North America team from Pennsylvania.
Asking for a raise can be one of the most nerve-racking times in your professional life. Here are some things to keep in mind.
Thinking about asking for a raise? This is the time to build a case for yourself--timing is everything, and this New Year period is an ideal time to make your move. Just make sure you go about it the right way.
You might not like it, but figuring out how you compare in skill in relation to your fellow IT PMs is key to getting off on the right track in a new position. It's a matter of proving yourself to avoid the lower end of your employer's standard rank-and-file system. Here's some help in making a smooth transition.
Reaching our PM potential in uncertain times requires one to recognize their untapped potential, especially that which rests beyond the traditional operational perspectives of project management. So what are we waiting for?
With more opportunities than ever for project managers, you need to have tactics at the ready to make the most of your career. Sure, networking is important, but how do you prepare? Who do you contact? What questions are relevant?
The success or failure of tomorrow's projects will depend greatly on finding the right people today to manage them. When interviewing candidates, look closely at these 10 areas of qualification. While time consuming, hiring "tough" is an essential upfront process that pays off, again and again.
The annual review is not going to go away, but good or bad performance needs to be recognized in real time, immediately and consistently.
Across 37 countries included in PMI’s latest salary survey, Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification holders report higher median salaries than those without the certification. This is a key finding of the upcoming Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey 10th Edition―a leading source of data on project practitioner earning―incorporating responses from more than 33,000 project management practitioners.
In this special job market outlook, we’re going to pass on some tips and advice that can help you if there is a recession.
"It isn't necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It's only necessary to be rich." - Alan Alda |