Effective Remote Workforce Management
byHow does a project manager ensure optimal performance from remote team members, and how do corrective actions get implemented effectively?
How does a project manager ensure optimal performance from remote team members, and how do corrective actions get implemented effectively?
Looking for high-impact statements when you only have 30 seconds to demonstrate the value of project management--and present yourself in the best possible light? What would your elevator pitch be? In our concluding installment, we look at examples of a project manager’s value pitch.
Buscando un discurso de alto impacto cuando uno solo tiene treinta segundos para demostrar el valor de la gerencia de proyectos, y presentarse de la mejor manera posible.
Buscando un discurso de alto impacto cuando uno solo tiene treinta segundos para demostrar el valor de la gerencia de proyectos, y presentarse de la mejor manera posible.
This article provides insight into how to best recognize staff with neurodiverse traits and how to effectively manage these team members so that both the project and the individual can be successful.
Recruiting and retaining highly talented professionals is a problem for many companies. Despite economic uncertainty, new companies and products are being launched each day. To keep up, project managers and projects have a key role to play in talent strategy.
"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world." - George Bernard Shaw |