In the knowledge economy, working extensive hours is sometimes equated to dedication, loyalty and even productivity. But while dedication, motivation and personal drive can carry the day at first, that doesn’t last. Sustained extended hours of work end up diminishing production and discouraging creativity.
How do you become a recognized and respected internal consultant? The answer is not simple due to an organization’s culture, its utilization of external consultants and its project management approach—as well as how the project managers themselves impact how (and if) they are viewed as an internal consultant.
An internet policy is not just about saying “no” to everything—it’s about finding a balance of what is needed and how to improve productivity, all while building a working environment that clearly describes the responsibility each employee has in their unique capacity.
Assembling the right team is almost as important as all of the other project management tasks you will tackle throughout the life cycle of your project. The author recommends thinking of the team as a holistic organism, a single body that has to work as one entity, and offers some tips for pulling together a great team.
"If you think you've hit a false note, sing loud. When in doubt, sing loud."