You know how you feel when you have a ‘light bulb’ moment, when suddenly the solution to a problem becomes crystal clear. What if those were regular occurrences instead of elusive moments? Here is how to eliminate three bad habits (often mistaken as qualities) that can cloud your thinking and decision-making skills.
How people look at ethics is very much influenced by what life experiences they have had, what values they have adopted, what culture they have adopted, what their religious views are, what organization they work for and what profession they are in.
How many project managers really believe that they have a special purpose to make things better? Doesn’t there have to be something more to it, something that makes it all just a bit more worthwhile? That’s the real purpose of project management—and it’s something that is delivered by every PM on every initiative they lead.
Projects would not happen without teams of people working on them. Project managers have the opportunity to go beyond managing projects and create positive impacts for those people. Are you going the extra mile?
Project initiation decisions live in the space between strategy and project management. To ensure the right strategic initiatives are supported, organizations need to reframe how these decisions are made, be it politics or processes. Here’s an executive-level roadmap with critical questions to begin a reality check.
Every now and then, we need to take a step back and recognize just how important project management is. Those of us involved in it tend to take it for granted--we’re too close to be able to appreciate it for what it delivers. In honor of International Project Management (IPM) Day, let's recognize some of the great things project management is doing...
Both pilots and project managers are constantly addressing risk, change and uncertainty, filtering a steady stream of data to make decisions that have immediate and lasting consequences. Here are five behaviors, present to some degree in all of us, that left unchecked can make for a turbulent project flight, rocky landing or worse.
If success goes to those who can innovate the fastest, how do we nurture innovation? The basics are simple to understand—but difficult to implement and stick with in the face of adversity.