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Patient Leadership

by Andy Jordan

When taking the helm of a team that has been struggling without consistent leadership, direction or supportive processes in place, it can be tempting to change as much as possible as soon as possible. But sometimes strong leadership requires patience to help a team evolve into all it can be.

Performing Under Pressure

by Mudassir Iqbal

No one performs their best under pressure. There are situations that bring the best out in you, but that’s completely dependent on your surroundings and the methodology you follow. Here are some tips to stay cool under pressure.

Perspective and Perceptions in Lessons Learned

by Andy Jordan

Projects succeed because of the relationships between people and the ability to create an environment where everyone involved is engaged and committed. Lessons learned sessions can be stressful experiences for those involved, but is that a reason to avoid some of the more sensitive aspects?

PILOT Your Team

by Elizabeth McCormick

Do some of your team members sit in meetings like they’re on a plane stuck on the runway? It may be time to “PILOT” instead of merely manage them. This method incorporates potential, implementation, leadership, optimization and tenacity to inspire team members to contribute and become more involved and invested in the organization.

Pit Happens: 7 Ways to Navigate Out of Project Despair

by Lonnie Pacelli

You can’t completely avoid pits of despair when projects start to go south, but you can control how you manage through them. Ensure you are the one steady at the stick so you can help everyone navigate through the pit with these tips.

Pitiful Meetings

by Kimberly Douglas

If your project team members hear “meeting at 3:00” and think, “Another waste of my time,” then it’s about time for a meeting overhaul. Meetings can be important team-building and idea-generating opportunities, but only if they are conducted the right way. Here are 10 pitfalls of pitiful meetings and how to fix them.

Planning the Portfolio

by Alan Shefveland

Project portfolio planning efforts often stumble on seven common pitfalls, including outdated evaluation criteria and prioritization based on emotion. To avoid these missteps and produce better business outcomes, here is a best-practice framework that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization.

PM as Problem Solver

by Vincent McGevna

Problems, problems everywhere — especially for the project manager. Whether your troubles are related to the triple constraint, stakeholders, team members, technical issues or something else, you have to truly understand the problem before you can solve it. Here is a field-tested three-step process to problem solving.

PM Conversations

by Kathleen Ryan O'Connor

Challenge but don't penalize. Be positive, not naïve. Oh, and act like a snowplow. That's some advice to project managers from A.C. Fred Baker, who has been managing and mentoring in the project world for 35-plus years. Here, he reflects on his career and shares a couple pet peeves.

PM Culture and Customers

by Martia H. Newell J. LeRoy Ward

Developing and valuing its project management culture has paid dividends for ADP, forming the foundation for an improved customer relationship by establishing expectations, recognizing when things aren’t going right and taking action to remedy problems.


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"If you havenÆt got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."

- Alice Roosevelt Longworth

