Sometimes good projects can fail or stagnate. Introducing the risk of change to a project can revitalize it for success. This article will focus on the 10 steps that should be taken to successfully reboot a project and ensure optimal performance and deliverables.
Is benefits realization a significant challenge in your organization? Perhaps it’s time to question your approach, to acknowledge that the process might be fundamentally flawed and results in a false sense of understanding what’s happening.
In order to maintain and increase efficiency from operations, it’s critical that mature financial services organizations drive transformational change through innovation. This article shares a few key themes that need to be addressed before, during and after the implementation of a robotics process automation initiative in a financial services setting.
Project leaders need to know where to focus their attention and teams at all times or they risk higher costs, missed deadlines and unhappy stakeholders. Ruthless prioritization keeps the things that would be nice to do from getting in the way of the work that matters most.
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.