by Tristano Sainati, Armando Castro, Daniel Nicholls
Corruption poses a significant challenge to society, but an anticorruption toolkit aimed at project-based organizations helps to effectively implement and monitor anticorruption measures.
Most organizations struggle to engage their workforce to its potential. This is not through a lack of planning, technical skills or resources, but instead effective tools for dealing with typical project problems. Fortunately, agile practices hold many practical solutions for solving the classic five dysfunctions of a team.
Too often, well-intentioned managers begin project initiatives without thoroughly evaluating the organizational changes required to help ensure the initiatives are truly successful. Neglecting to include and properly communicate with employees can lead to resistance and project failure. The author shares two examples from his practice to illustrate how and what to communicate effectively to increase project support.
Organizations are always looking to improve strategic decision-making, but that can be a very difficult thing to achieve. However, there are ways to gain an advantage—and recognizing that decision-making is a team sport is one of them.
International Development addresses a vast array of issues related to social and economic transformation. This article draws attention to the importance of the meso management level, which helps to bridge the gap between the macro level where strategies are defined and the micro levels where the interventions occur. To be effective it must face challenges related to project governance and management competencies.
In order to achieve outstanding results in the implementation of industrial projects, there are two essential concepts: the early involvement of operations in the project for early input on the design; and start-up management to ensure the receiving organization’s readiness for the project. A single point of contact (SPOC) and start-up manager (SUM) can help.
Competing in the global marketplace is no easy task these days. So what is the secret for middle-market companies? According to a recent survey, mid-market companies are at the front line of innovation.
Organizations have started to recognize the benefits of having a Vaastu- or Feng Shui-compliant work environment. A decision tool that enables optimal balance of technical and Vaastu/Feng Shui factors is provided to achieve this objective along with a case study.
New product introduction is an organization’s future. Along with a well-tailored product development process, successful introduction of new products must be integrated with project management practices. This article unfolds potential areas of integration.
There’s a very interesting thing that happens when organizations get to the point where they have a formal process to do something: They expect everyone to follow it. And that's a mistake.