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¿Por qué fracasan los proyectos?

by Humberto Ramos

Muchas veces se contrato o asigna a un PM como la única garantía de éxito del proyecto... pero la vida real no funciona precisamente así.

‘Good Enough’ Is Old Enough

by Andy Jordan

Project managers are getting younger, and it’s not just because the rest of us are getting older. Is it problematic to have less experienced PMs? How do we expect younger and less experienced employees to gain that experience and understanding?

‘What’ Before ‘How’

by Adriana Beal

Are you working in a “what” or a “how” organization? The latter makes it difficult for a business analyst to make an impact on value creation. A career-minded BA should aim to work for a “what” enterprise, where there will be high-level opportunities to identify, prioritize and align business objectives with capabilities.

12 Ways to Hurt Relationships

by Beth Spriggs

Whether you are a project leader or a team member, your relationships with others will probably be the most important factor in your own success, not to mention the success of the initiatives you work on. Here are 12 common traps that can damage relationships. Avoid them at all cost.

15 Tips for Productive Meetings

by Benetta Yogendran

As we continue to work remotely and with virtual teams, the number of meetings has increased tremendously. How can we have meetings that are not only productive, but also an efficient use of time? Here are 15 tips to help!

3 Focus Areas for Your Career Management Plan

by Bruce Garrod

Regardless of where a project manager lies on the career continuum, a career management plan is important. Read how PMs at two very different stages in their career can advance themselves in three common focus areas.

3 Productivity Hacks for PMs

by Andrew Makar, PMP

As project leaders and practitioners, we should always be looking for better approaches and techniques to improve our productivity. Here are two “hacks” designed to streamline your email system, and a third to prioritize your daily task list.

4 Core Competencies New PMs Need Training On

by Bruce Garrod

It’s critical for project managers to have, at a minimum, an understanding of the foundations of our craft. Businesses that refuse to invest in this critical skills development may find themselves facing additional project challenges. Focus on these four core competencies to start.

4 Keys to Peer Leadership

by Kevin E. O'Connor

When you are charged with leading a team of your peers or former peers, the right combination of resources makes all the difference. The following techniques — which incorporate personality, encouragement, engagement and feedback — should be at the core of every peer leader's approach.

5 Concerns About Joining A PMO

by Andrew Makar, PMP

All project management offices are not created equal, and the perception of a PMO’s value within an organization will greatly influence a project manager’s decision to pursue a position in it. Here are five concerns that could discourage a project manager from seeking a PMO-related role, and why these unappealing factors still might provide opportunities to grow.


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"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

- Winston Churchill

