Racing Toward Success: How F1 in Schools and PMIEF Power Future Innovators
byPMIEF’s student project manager series continues with a Q&A with Naomi Nordeen, a student project manager for her F1 in Schools North America team from Pennsylvania.
PMIEF’s student project manager series continues with a Q&A with Naomi Nordeen, a student project manager for her F1 in Schools North America team from Pennsylvania.
The success or failure of tomorrow's projects will depend greatly on finding the right people today to manage them. When interviewing candidates, look closely at these 10 areas of qualification. While time consuming, hiring "tough" is an essential upfront process that pays off, again and again.
The webinar Reality Bytes: Working Effectively with Virtual Teams was packed with information, and below are the questions and answers that came out of that session.
The annual review is not going to go away, but good or bad performance needs to be recognized in real time, immediately and consistently.
When project teams are buried in the details of their work, it’s easy for them to forget that they are producing solutions for real people. PMs need to help them remember.
With all of us coming to terms with remote working, some interactions are more challenging than others—and performance management is one of the toughest. How can new PMs in particular approach these potentially uncomfortable conversations?
Team enthusiasm reduces pressure to perform and transforms it into a desire to succeed. But enthusiasm can be difficult to sustain on long-term projects that run into roadblocks. In part three of our series on managing pressure, we look at ways to nurture and maintain enthusiasm on your projects.
Too often, acceptance of a risk becomes “pseudo-ignorance” because the owner doesn’t review the risk on a regular basis to ensure that nothing significant has changed. But while acceptance is a valid risk management strategy, ignorance isn’t!
The value that subject matter experts provide to the project can be maximized through the use of the business analyst role.
A project management exercise with kids was a humbling experience for an experienced practitioner, and it led to some valuable lessons and an important question: Are we having enough fun in our craft? These four techniques can help.
"Once, during prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water." - W. C. Fields |