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82 items found

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Take a Break...It's Worth It

by Andy Jordan

We hear a lot that project management is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s completely the wrong analogy…it shouldn’t be either. The work/life balance is supposed to be a real thing, so it's time we embrace striving for maximum success with minimum effort.

Taking the Plunge as a First-Time PM

by Andy Jordan

You took the courses, you put in the time and now it’s happened—you’re a first-time project manager! What the heck do you do now? Let’s get you mentally prepared to manage your first project…

Task Oversight: Finding the Right Balance

by Andy Jordan

One of the areas most likely to cause problems on projects is the monitoring and tracking of work. As a new project manager, how do you know how much is too much when it comes to task management?

Teachable Moments: The Reluctant BA/PM

by Ruffin Veal III

Teachable moments are formed when you have done something--regardless of the outcome--and learned from the experience. Learning makes us better at what we do and provides a great opportunity to develop others and sharpen skills. We’ve compiled our best Teachable Moments from our community members for you to learn from and share with other project managers. In this installment, a reluctant leader takes charge.

Teaching PM Basics to Non-PM Staff

by Stephanie Jaeger, PMP, BBA, PMO

Internal misconceptions and lack of teamwork often hamper project delivery. People have not bought into the project, especially if it's outside their routine work. Spending a little extra time sensitizing team members and getting their buy-in can help your project delivery tremendously.

Team Member to Team Lead: What's the Difference?

by Andy Jordan

Being asked to lead your first project can be exciting—and overwhelming. But in practical terms, moving from being part of a project team to leading that team isn’t the major shift that project managers often treat it as.

Team Member to Team Lead: What's the Difference? (Korean Translation)

by Andy Jordan

첫 번째 프로젝트를 이끌도록 요청받는 것은 흥미롭고 압도적 일 수 있습니다. 그러나 실질적인 측면에서 프로젝트 팀의 일원에서 그 팀을 이끄는 것은 프로젝트 관리자가 종종이를 대대적으로 바꾸는 것이 아닙니다.

Team Success Is More Important Than Project Success

by Andy Jordan

As a new project manager, it’s important to know what will make you successful. And that isn’t necessarily what you think it is. If it’s not the success of the project that’s most important for new PMs, what is their priority?

Teamwork: Always the Most Important Requirement

by Andy Jordan

One of the misconceptions a lot of new project managers have is the idea that teamwork is something that is only required some of the time. That’s not real teamwork. We must learn to create the environment and let the work happen.


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"I am not bound to please thee with my answer."

- William Shakespeare

