Are you still operating with outdated assumptions and expectations? The stressful process of buying a new home and selling an old one proved to be an enlightening experience in project management and complexity for this practitioner.
New project managers are exposed to conflicting guidance. Recommendations often appear to be at odds, so what is the new PM to do? Let’s examine the basics so we can make an informed decision...
There are now more than 7 billion people in the world and that number is expected to jump to 9.4 billion in less than 40 years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. As the population grows, so too does the mass migration from the countryside to cities, particularly in developing nations. This article discusses how project teams are re-imagining urban development to alleviate the massive strain on cities' infrastructure, construction, energy and IT demands.
"A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood."