8 Project Management Lessons From Laser Quest
byWhat can firing colorful lasers at each other teach us about project management? A lot! Read how one practitioner's family adventure turned up some surprising lessons we can all learn from.
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What can firing colorful lasers at each other teach us about project management? A lot! Read how one practitioner's family adventure turned up some surprising lessons we can all learn from.
Effective collaboration not only yields a better solution, but also ensures buy-in from those impacted. See which of these six factors you need to improve upon to better enhance your collaboration skills.
High-performing teams are composed of individuals who possess excellent skills and experience and have a shared commitment to achieving success. Here we look at some of the traits essential to these teams. How many does your team possess?
High-performance teams evolve over time—they are not formed by simply assembling a group of gifted professionals. Here we explore high-performance team differentiators, and five traits that speak to their success.
It's always necessary to prepare the next generation for success. But today, a lot more thought has to be given to how to achieve that. But we must realize that empowering younger people to succeed is a shared learning experience.
Fostering high performance—and creating the right culture throughout the project—is one of the many ways that project managers help their teams succeed. Let’s look at some key ways to do this.
With all the enthusiasm about AI and new technology, we must not lose sight of people. But until you assess the quality of your team’s culture, it's tough to know what exactly you should do to improve.
'Culture' has become a bit of an overused word, and it means different things in different environments. Those different meanings can cause confusion and fatigue, but as PMs we have to recognize how important it is to develop an environment where people can not only give of their best, but where they want to.
Throughout 2023, the Project Management Institute produced a number of thought leadership resources to support the project management community in navigating professional growth. These 12 reports and articles can help you hone your skills for the challenging new year ahead.
Agile teams have all kinds of ways to deliver value faster. But every team has one superpower at its disposal for faster value creation and delivery: collaboration. Read about three options at your disposal.
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"The best way to become boring is to say everything." - Voltaire |