Women are increasingly taking leadership roles in project management with confidence and pride. But despite progress on multiple fronts, they encounter several obstacles. How can we change this?
If startups move like jet skiers, large organizations move like supertankers—they require time to change direction. In today’s world that’s a problem. Can big entities adjust and adapt faster? Can they truly embody organizational agility?
What you don't know about your own biases can land you in court. Even your best intentions can be rewarded with paralyzing workforce suspicion. Maybe ignorance is not bliss after all.
Nonstop e-mails, endless meetings, and 24-7 connectedness are crippling our ability to think, focus, solve problems and do the deep work that organizations need to stay competitive. Here are eight recommendations to help you and your teams regain focus.
The project management world today is gray. This author proposes adding a burst of color with gamification and artificial intelligence (AI), vibrant with the ideas of contextualization, personalization, digitalization and sustainability.
Studies have shown that inappropriate requirements are the leading cause of project failure. And a few categories of requirements are not as well documented--and should be considered when it comes to projects within the natural resources and energy sectors. This article discusses the consideration of said requirements, along with the associated risks and opportunities.
"I've always believed in the adage that the secret of eternal youth is arrested development."