Question: I have barely recovered from switching to agile, and now there is a new approach to projects: WoW, or “Ways of Working.” Is this really an advantage, or is this just another way to keep us constantly disrupted in the way we do projects? With all of the confusion and turmoil brought about by the pandemic, do we really need yet another change in the way we do projects?
Question: With the addition of Disciplined Agile, we now have three types of approaches to how projects should be managed. But this means three times as many terms and roles to try to manage. In my company, different teams use different ways to organize their work, so inter-team communication becomes daunting. What is a good way to learn terms—and advice on how to use them correctly?
Question: I thought that getting a promotion would be great! However, it’s a totally different part of the organization, and what worked for me in terms of evaluating my old team is creating some problems—both with the people and with the results I send to management. I thought project management was supposed to be a methodology that worked regardless of the industry or part of the company in which it was used. What’s going on?
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) offers a comprehensive, knowledge-based approach to delivering agile projects that are operating in complex technical and enterprise environments. This case study shows how a retrospective analysis of a real-life project that was delivered for one of the UK’s largest retail banks uncovered real potential for process improvements.
Initially, there may not seem like much overlap between Disciplined Agile (DA) and the PMI Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs, and Projects. After all, DA promotes lightweight, agile-inspired guidance, and risk management information can be prescriptive and documentation-heavy. Yet, they are surprisingly aligned and compatible.
In any transformation effort, it is understood that resistance to change is the real enemy. Learn how the Disciplined Agile™ (DA) tool kit can support agile and digital transformation initiatives by optimizing processes in a context-sensitive manner and helping you choose your WoW (way of working).
As more organizations recognize (and research confirms) the high-performance benefits of empowering project teams, how do we balance the general value of standardized agile approaches with the greater need for teams to choose their ways of working?
We received so many questions during our Ask the Experts: Agile for the Rest of Us webinar that we didn’t have time to answer them all, so the presenters continue the conversation here!
Question: One of my team members told me yesterday that PMI is introducing a whole new series of certifications and moving to a more agile approach. How will my PMP® certification that I worked so hard to earn fit into this process? He said it is called DA, so I don’t really understand what this is about and what it will mean to me. Should I be learning this new approach?
Find the best Agile solution for your situation with Disciplined Agile™. This self-paced, online course shows you how to choose the right agile solution for your situation, and achieve a way of working that gets better results, faster. Because true business agility comes from freedom, not frameworks.