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Aligning IT to Organizational Strategy: Not Exactly Rocket Science (Japanese Translation)

by Michael Wood


Are You Keeping Pace with Strategic Planning? (Japanese Translation)

by Kevin Coleman

戦略計画は時代に追いつくために変化しなければなりません。 効果的であるためには、組織が変化の大きさ、そして戦略的計画に関して必要とされる内外の知識に取り組むことが不可欠です。

Business Requirement Techniques for Delivering Value While Controlling Scope (Japanese Translation)

by Joy Beatty

組織は、新しく改良されたソリューションが利害関係者にとって価値のあるメリットをもたらし、適切な投資収益率をもたらすという前提でプロジェクトを立ち上げます。 ビジネス要件を理解することで、チームが実際にこれらのメリットを確実に実現できるようになります。

Evolving the PMO: From Project to Program to Portfolio (Japanese Translation)

by Rob Saxon

Sometimes, the definition of the “P” in PMO is elusive. To effectively build, maintain and evolve a PMO, however, we have to be very clear about what this letter means. Approaching the definition with specific goals in mind can help us to put together a world-class organization. This article download has been translated into Japanese.

Executive Influence (Japanese Translation)

by Ambreen Ali


From IT to Business-Driven PMO (Japanese Translation)

by Michael Wood

If an organization is to ever realize the value a PMO can deliver, it needs to think outside the IT PMO box and become a business-driven PMO--one that is driven by the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. When this happens, the impact of projects are more dramatic and the IT components of projects are viewed in the proper context. This article download has been translated into Japanese.

Knowledge Transfer: Where Process Improvement Begins (Japanese Translation)

by Michael Wood

What do Business Process Improvement initiatives have to do with knowledge transfer and knowledge management? When done correctly, the BPI process hinges on knowledge transfer and lays the groundwork for ongoing knowledge management. Here we discuss a basic BPI process through the lens of knowledge transfer. This article download has been translated into Japanese.

Leading Beyond the Iron Triangle (Japanese Translation)

by Byron A. Love, MBA, PgMP, PMP, CISSP

「成功した」プロジェクトの失敗は、経験豊かなPMにショックを与えました。 トリプル制約だけでプロジェクトを管理するだけでは不十分であることが分かります。

Lessons Learned in IT Project Failures (Japanese Translation)

by Natalie Disque

このウェビナーでは、プレゼンターに「プロジェクトマネジメント:失敗したITプロジェクトのビジネスケース:教訓のキャリアガイド」と題したプレゼンテーションを行い、出席者は本からの現実のITプロジェクトの例、失敗した理由、 それぞれについて学んだ教訓。

Make it So Number One: Why Many Projects' Chance for Success is Doomed and How to Fix It (Japanese Translation)

by Ori Schibi



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"Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which follows its own laws."

- Douglas Adams

