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¿Por Qué Fallan las PMO en Ecuador?

by Jose Gonzalez

¿Que es una PMO?, ¿cuales son sus funciones?, ¿en qué nos ayuda en una empresa?, son preguntas que siempre se hacen cuando se comienza a diseñar e implementar una Ofician de Gestión de Proyectos (PMO). Pero ya en su trabajo diario ¿que tan útil es?, ¿qué se debe hacer para que se mantenga en el tiempo y madure?. Este estudio da algunas razones muy frecuente de porque fallan las PMOs en el Ecuador y que quizas se puede extrapolar a otros paises.

10 Resolutions to Help You and Your PMO in 2017

by Robert Bulger

’Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions. But instead of gym memberships and bucket lists, what about concentrating this year's resolutions on your PMO? Try this list on for size. It's designed to give you and your PMO a successful, prosperous and benefit realized 2017.

10 Strategic Execution Trends for 2015

by Tim Wasserman

Smart, high-performing organizations are structured to react more quickly to external and internal shifts. They view the future as a possibility, change as an opportunity, and their strategy as the tool to get them there. Here are 10 strategic execution trends they will be focusing on in 2015.

2017 Pulse of Profession


Project success rates have climbed and waste has fallen significantly as more organizations develop technical and leadership skills, establish project management offices to align vision with execution, and adopt agile approaches, according to Project Management Institute's latest Pulse of the Profession report.

3 ‘Supportive’ Keys for Smaller Companies To Avoid Project Failures

by Troy Edelen

Smaller companies can implement a “supportive PMO," which leverages their limited project management staff across more projects, making them more like project management consultants rather than direct project managers. (And, yes, it can even work with a team of one.)

3 Keys to Benefits Realization


Few organizations reports a high degree of benefits realization management maturity, but those that do have a significant edge in achieving goals and business intent, according to a new report from the Project Management Institute. Here are the actions they take.

3 Warning Signs Your New PMO Has Lost Its Swagger

by Jesse Santana

What should you focus on if you’ve landed a job in a new PMO that is outright ineffective? Here are three signs that your newly branded PMO has lost its swagger—and tips to help you forge onward, even when the path is not clear.

3 Ways To Take Your PMO To the Next Level

by Bruce Harpham

Most PMOs are not yet performing at an elite level of performance. As an individual PM, you have a few choices to make at this stage. The option you choose depends on your seniority, risk appetite and ambition. Explore these three options to see which one best suits your situation.


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Tell me whom you love, and I will tell you who you are.

- Houssaye

