Sometimes, the definition of the “P” in PMO is elusive. To effectively build, maintain and evolve a PMO, however, we have to be very clear about what this letter means. Approaching the definition with specific goals in mind can help us to put together a world-class organization. This article download has been translated into Japanese.
If an organization is to ever realize the value a PMO can deliver, it needs to think outside the IT PMO box and become a business-driven PMO--one that is driven by the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. When this happens, the impact of projects are more dramatic and the IT components of projects are viewed in the proper context. This article download has been translated into Japanese.
Program management bridges the gap between corporate strategy and projects. But how does it differ from project management? Simply stated, are program managers really just senior project managers? Or is it something more? This article download has been translated into Japanese.
Creating a way to evaluate project performance may not be the first thought when creating a new PMO. But how else can it demonstrate value to the organization? This article download has been translated into Japanese.