9 items found
Apr 26, 2022 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
Leadership in projects is dynamic and alternates between actors. This presentation on the award-winning study of leadership reality in projects and its resulting theory of balanced and horizontal leadership outlines project-specific approaches to leadership. These include temporary appointments of horizontal leaders, as well as the dynamic assignment (i.e., the balancing) of leadership authority to the best possible leader in different situations. To that end, it outlines a framework including recently identified types of leadership and their situational contingencies. This includes the five events that make up horizontal leadership in projects. These are nomination of team members, identification of potential leaders, selection and empowerment of leaders, empowered leadership and its governance, as well as leadership transition. Moreover, the presentation addresses the coordination of these events through the socio-cognitive space, and the dynamic assignment of leadership authority to the best possible leader at a time, which is known as balanced leadership.
Mar 1, 2024 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
Today’s AI tools can be as effective as any human partner in providing a different perspective and great ideas that fit well with your own or your team’s. However, you really need to know how to talk to it – to bring the tool into the conversation productively. In this webinar we will explore using both ChatGPT and a task-specific AI Meeting tool to brainstorm. We will cover challenges and insights in conversation with regular users of these tools - then engage the audience to better understand their experiences.
Oct 31, 2023 1:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
When writing Acceptance Tests, we respond to requirements and essentially turn them into scenarios that can be specified, tested, and then implemented. However, sometimes requirements are stated in a way that make the scenarios too large for effective testing and development. This webinar will investigate why this is, suggest techniques that can be used to decompose them into smaller scenarios, and demonstrate this using a real-world example of a complex business rule.
May 25, 2017 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
How do project teams overcome differences to adopt a design plan that strikes a balance between short-term affordability and long-term adaptability? Hear how a formal framework for design flexibility on the front end encourages greater communication among project team members, helps avoid risks and reduce costs, and improves efficiency. While the uncertainties of the future will always be present, capital project teams can manage potential change more effectively by adopting these principals and designing for evolvability.
Nov 6, 2018 5:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
Project learning is a vital prerequisite for innovation as it directly contributes to project and organizational capability development. As more organizations become project-based, there is an emergent need to understand how these organizations can overcome challenges of disruptive learning cycles caused by project temporality and employee mobility. Project learning occurs on the individual, team, and organizational level. Individual learning happens through intuiting and interpreting, learning by doing, experiencing using metaphors and cognitive maps. Team learning occurs through the integration of individual learnings, which result in shared understanding and mutual adjustment of mental models. Organizational learning manifests itself in the development of practices, policies, guidelines, and routines for the collective benefit. However, how organizations facilitate the transfer of learning between the individual, project, and organizational levels remains limited. This webinar will present key findings from the PMI sponsored research investigating mechanisms influencing learning flows between individuals, project and the parent organization. The research was guided by the overarching question: “How does project learning occur over time as an interaction across individual, project, and organizational levels?” The webinar will focus on presenting 3 notable contributions from the research that informed project management literature and practice. This research:
1. identified 10 bridging mechanisms for multilevel learning that project-based organizations can utilize to encourage learning from and to projects
2. established that 3 key actors: senior leaders, project managers and project management office play crucial role in activating project learning flows, and engaging individuals, teams and organization to participate in learning efforts.
3. developed a new leadership scale to measure leaders behavior focused on promoting project learning.
Nov 26, 2024 11:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
To equip student leaders with practical strategies for networking, sustainability, and application, enabling them to create a thriving, resilient community within their clubs that fosters personal and professional growth.
May 17, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
In this webinar, we describe who a Business Analyst is, where this individual falls within an organization, in which sectors Business Analysis activities are to be found and which competencies are required of a Business Analyst.We also look into the future of this profession as a whole.
Nov 5, 2009 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
The idea of “Selling the PMO” is an approach that has caused untold damage leading many PMOs to execution difficulties and others to outright failure. This must see webinar will discuss why you should never sell the PMO and shed light on the problems that quickly appear when a “Selling the PMO” mindset is at play.
Oct 29, 2009 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
Today’s PMOs are all about leadership. This must see webinar will discuss considerations and techniques for exhibiting PMO leadership that PMOs of all shapes and sizes can effectively apply.
I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future.
- Dan