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A Manager’s Guide to Supporting Agile Transformation

Sep 21, 2021 3:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

In this session, we explore the roots of the management discipline as we know it today. We pinpoint the potential areas of conflict between agile values and traditional management. Then we turn that upside-down and look for areas where managers can support and drive forward the organizational adoption of agile leveraging the Disciplined Agile tool kit.

A Small Agile Team’s Journey from Scrum to Disciplined DevOps

May 4, 2021 3:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

Disciplined Agile (DA) is a hybrid of existing methods that provides the flexibility to use a tailored approach that matches your context. In a nutshell, Disciplined Agile is “pragmatic agile”. This webinar explores how a small software development team in an established enterprise applies Disciplined Agile strategies over time to successfully improve their agility to provide real value to their stakeholders by moving from Scrum to Disciplined DevOps.

Agile Business Analysis

Jun 22, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

In this webinar, we describe what an agile approach is, when agile is appropriate, and why Business Analysis is a key component of an agile way of working.

Agile Human Resources: A Disciplined Viewpoint

Oct 8, 2020 1:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

Your organization is on the path towards greater agility. All aspects of an organization can benefit from greater agility, and this includes your approach to human resources. Your approach to appraisals, the relationships that project managers have with other team members, the way that you recruit, and even the way that you refer to people all change in an agile manner. In this webinar PMI’s Scott Ambler interviews Pierre Neis, Agile HR and Agile Transformation expert.

Agile Insights: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Agile at PMI

Oct 30, 2020 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

In this installment of the Discover PMI – Ask Us Anything Series, we will provide an overview of Agile Insights: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Agile at PMI. Agile, agile everywhere. It’s a buzzword. It’s a mindset. It’s a framework. Or is it? Dig into what’s happening in different industries and around the globe with respect to agile approaches and practices, successes and challenges. And what is PMI’s position on agile? Spend some time with PMI staff who think about agile all day, every day. Hear what’s new, what’s hot and what’s next, plus ask those burning agile questions.

AI in PM Community Led Survey 2023 - Global Deep Dive

Feb 29, 2024 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)

An in-depth exploration of the survey data from the Community Led AI in PM 2023 Survey. We will present a deeper understanding of the project management community's perspectives on AI, implications for the future of project management and provide actionable recommendations.

An Introduction to the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Management

Jul 20, 2021 3:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)

As organizations become aware of the need to achieve business agility more are also becoming aware of the need to manage value streams to achieve it. This webinar discusses how managing the value streams of an organization lays the groundwork for improvement in value delivery.

Anti-Corruption for Projects: Practical Insights and Solutions from the Construction Industry

Mar 27, 2023 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

This webinar will discuss the insights of PMI-commissioned research and showcase an anti-corruption toolkit that has been developed for project-based organizations. The toolkit provides useful suggestions on assessing and improving the organization's overall performance in tackling corruption. The research analyzed the code of conduct and professional practice of 22 of the largest construction companies and found six main insights reported in the codes of conduct.


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"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

- John F. Kennedy

