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Can Agility Benefits Be Measured? Benchmarking Agile Projects

Oct 12, 2018 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

The transition to Agile takes time and it is a significant cultural change. Skeptics needs to be convinced that Agile will deliver the benefits.This presentation proposes a new way of using the "traditional" project benchmarking approach adapting it to the specifics of an Agile Project Team.

Catastrophic Project Change

Mar 6, 2024 2:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

What do you do when your project is under attack by current events you cannot control? What is up is down and down is now up. The normal planning and change models are not meant to be operated this way. What to do?

Certification or Practice - The Road Ahead

Jul 12, 2016 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

This talk will present the current status on various certifications (knowledge and practice based) by various professional organizations in project management. It is intended to bring up the debate about whether certification is “sufficiently” contributing to the practice of project management and if not, what can be done to improve the impact of certification on project management.

Challenges and Trends on Virtual PMOs

Aug 3, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Project management faces new challenges ahead to deal with multi-projects environments. On top of that, globalisation and outsourcing trends add more complexity to project, program and portfolio management. Traditional PMOs are struggling to balance flexibility and control while still assuring strategic alignment. As a result, new PMO models are needed. In this webinar, we are going to present cases and suggestions on how to create, implement and maintain virtual PMOs.

Change for Project Leaders: Making the Case

Sep 17, 2019 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

In this engaging session, we make the case for why as a project leader you should be personally invested in organizational change for your project efforts. Participants will learn why change is so vital to their project success as well as how to action 3 critical change moments that matter toward project success. Participants walk away with practical learning that can immediately be applied to enhance any project leader’s toolkit!

Change HEADWAY: Planning As If Change Mattered

Aug 16, 2011 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Projects are hard enough when the focus is on getting the technical result produced, on time, on budget and to specification. When we add in the complication of getting that used, however, the challenge becomes much more significant. Organizational change requires the evolution of structures, roles, responsibilities. processes and - above all - behaviours. It is all about getting people to work in new and different ways, and to embrace why they need to make this change.

Change HEADWAY: Selling the Dream: Develop a Effective Change Story

Feb 15, 2011 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

As project managers we often have projects handed to us. We are often not involved in defining the compelling reason to make the change or do the project. Our involvement often begins with a: “Hey Sue, would you take this one on?” And off we go to plan and deliver the project, sometimes in a bit of a vacuum that can bite us along the way.

Change HEADWAY: What is Change Management?

Nov 18, 2008 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Change Management is viewed more and more as critical to project and organizational success. In this Change HEADWAY webinar, we will be examining the change management process from a project manager's perspective to understand how change management can impact all aspects of your project.

Change Intelligently® Lead Yourself and Your Team through the A.R.C.s of Change and Crisis

Aug 5, 2020 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

As our gut-wrenching experience with COVID-19 demonstrates and neuroscience validates, unexpected, unwanted, and undeserved change can plunge us into fear/threat mode, causing the good stuff that feeds our brain (oxygen, glucose) to rush past our necks so we can fight/flight/flee, robbing us of the cognitive capacity to think clearly and creatively. During the stress of change, when our IQ inevitably goes down, building our CQ® (Change Intelligence®), is like putting our own oxygen mask on first. We remember to breath, separate our knee-jerk, fear-based reaction from a more mindful response, and remember that we have options – and the more options we have, the more power we have. The Chinese symbol for Change consists of two characters – Crisis + Opportunity.  Join us to learn science- and experience-based ways that you can help yourself, your team, and the projects you manage leverage CQ® to lead through the A.R.C.s of change – regaining Autonomy, Relationship, and Certainty and emerging more Agile, Resilient, and Capable than before. 


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"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers."

- Voltaire

