Uncover 3 Hidden Change Levers to Successfully Execute your Strategy
In this energizing session Prof. Jeroen De Flander will uncover the three critical change levers each senior leader needs to master to successfully steer strategy to success.
In this energizing session Prof. Jeroen De Flander will uncover the three critical change levers each senior leader needs to master to successfully steer strategy to success.
Project Management deals with advancement in uncharted waters within a specified time & budget and needs to prepare a team to implement change and satisfy all those who may be affected with the change. The results/outcomes of an endeavor have a direct bearing on the level of satisfaction of every human in any capacity involved. This sensitivity requires close attention to behavior & attitudes of team members & all others involved. Some of the human aspects need focus to improve the situation in any environment.
Change resistance is usually accepted as normal, but this begs two questions - who gets to define “resistance,” and what causes it? This webinar examines the normal reasons behind resistance and then goes deeper into the interaction between the change team and those impacted by the change to find the real reasons for resistance. Further, change resistance is often used by the change team as an excuse for their mistakes in determining what needs to change (and what needs protection from change) or how they choose to involve others in the process (including what they can learn from what appears as resistance).
Misunderstanding leadership at different levels can often be confused with managerial skills when moving to important commanding-roles. Often this leads to disastrous outcomes or, at minimum, damage human relationships and respect for business purpose.
In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the ability to learn from past projects is invaluable but often underutilized. This presentation unravels a novel approach to harnessing the wealth of data on 'Lessons Learned' across multiple projects using Generative AI. Pascal Brunet introduces the problem scope, emphasizing the existing gap between data collection and actionable insights. He demonstrates a step-by-step methodology, starting from data consolidation using VBA scripts—developed with the help of language models—to the final import and analysis using generative AI algorithms. The objective is to mine the 'Lessons Learned' data to produce actionable recommendations that can empower company employees in future projects. By bridging the divide between raw data and meaningful action, this approach positions itself as a pioneering solution in the field of project management and organizational learning.
Join me for this interactive session to explore what are the value drivers of adaptive leadership and what can be done so that we can first understand ourselves first and then try to have discussion with our team so that we give them all physiological safety that can help them to outperform in their current role.
We all struggle with the concept of uncertainty, but it does not deter us from trying from planning the unplannable. This webinar will focus on developing project teams with the ability to share and collaborate turning ambiguity from a deficit to a vehicle that allows your assignee's to produce added-value deliverables. We start this webinar by describing the current situation in how disjointed teams directly contribute to project failure. The effectiveness of a games model, through use of project-based simulation, is then characterized. The basis of this webinar is then illustrated through a number of situational real-life exercises performed. Lastly, we discuss the expectations of this approach, listing some of the lurking pitfalls of this method.
According to Ken Blanchard, the key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority. Influence is a critical component of leveraging effective partnerships and increasing engagement and enablement for our projects and the change they deliver. The challenge we are faced with, that we will look to solve in this webinar, is to more easily identify, build and support our organizational influencers to make them a vital part of project delivery.
This webinar is about adaptive government projects, and it is hinged on the ways of working on the PMI talent triangle. Government is increasingly embracing the adaptive approach to manage public projects. This has resulted in a shift from the traditional style of service delivery towards a citizen-centric approach that delivers value. One of such projects is the Estonian eResidency project. Our research focused on gaining insights into the perception of users (eCitizens) of the exceptional Estonian eResidency. Findings revealed that eResidents perceive government as a transactional service platform, as well as a member state and expressed a sense of belongingness.
Agile methods, including iteration and incremental thinking, can work very well to relieve stress and sustain resilience in the face of hard times, particularly due to COVID-19. Join this webinar to take away key strategies to manage emotional and mental health and stay happy, healthy, and productive.
"If you think you've hit a false note, sing loud. When in doubt, sing loud." - Robert Merrill |