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Jul 25, 2024 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Ce webinaire propose des tactiques éprouvées et des meilleures pratiques pour aider les aspirants à la certification PMP®️ à réussir l'examen dès la première tentative. Des conseils d'étude aux stratégies de jour de l'examen, il fournit une feuille de route complète pour naviguer efficacement dans le processus de certification PMP®️.
Sep 12, 2024 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Ce webinaire est conçu pour les professionnels des domaines techniques qui aspirent à améliorer leur carrière grâce à des compétences pratiques en gestion de projet. Découvrez comment la certification et les compétences PMP®️ vous fournissent des outils essentiels pour gérer les projets plus efficacement, favoriser la réussite des équipes et assurer la transition vers des rôles de direction. Bénéficiez des conseils d'un leader expérimenté qui a utilisé la certification PMP®️ pour gravir les échelons de la direction et appliquer ces stratégies à votre propre carrière.
Jun 3, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Inspired by Star Trek Next Generation's Jean-Luc Picard's saying, "Make it so, number 1," this webinar explores the underlying causes of project failures and offers practical ideas on how to improve your project success track record.
Jan 9, 2024 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
Murphy is famous for his adage that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Even if it's true, it's possible to make it work for you rather than against you. Find out how to overcome Murphy's law--and others like it--to keep moving forward and achieve whatever you want to achieve.
Nov 1, 2017 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Many organisations are on a change treadmill – from continuous improvement to operating model transformation - that can stress their people, processes and technology. How can leaders and project managers reduce the people impact of this “change treadmill” – where people can lose their bearings and ultimately impact performance? This is where a compelling case for change comes in.
May 16, 2016 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
During this lively, interactive workshop, attendees will develop a working understanding of the major mental and emotional biases we use in making decisions and planning, and be able to describe ways in which they can mitigate the impact of these biases on their project decisions so they can Make Better Project Decisions More Often.
Sep 9, 2015 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Virtual work has become more common as companies seek to reduce cost and promote workplace flexibility. As project managers, we are on the front lines of this change - managing freelance staff, outsourced providers and other staff.
This webinar covers three aspects of virtual work - how to adjust and tailor your communication practices, how to work remotely, and a brief introduction to virtual work tools and how to use them.
Jul 2, 2018 1:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
The road to using artificial intelligence and big data in project management is not straightforward, and there is no need to make the full trip today. Projects are rich in data by nature and use technical, business, schedule, cost and additional types of data on a daily basis. However much of the data that's already in existence is either not being used, partially used or is hard to get to. The trick is not to use all the data available, but ask the right questions and support answers with smart data.
A simple maturity model will be presented in this webinar to help project professionals navigate their way through the different options: from projects and organizations that have very little data, through the different project environments.
In this interactive webinar, participants will gain knowledge in:
1. Asking the right questions.
2. Assessing data maturity.
3. Making incremental steps for better data use to deliver project benefits, results and deliverables.
Jul 11, 2022 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
A lean, concise, and easy to read charter allows the team to focus on delivering within the success criteria. This presentation discusses this new paradigm and impact to organizations as well as the roll of charters in funding capacity, EPICS and charters, and integrated work teams. Can we deliver value faster if we adopt new business rules regarding the project faster? The purpose of the charter is to authorize the project manager to start delivering on the project. It is not to cut and paste from all over to make an all-inclusive summary of all business intelligence that justified the project. I propose to make it a lean document focused on the outcomes and capabilities and the definition of success. Items that have a workflow/life cycle (risks, assumptions, issues, etc.) do not need to be in a charter, they are taken care of elsewhere.
Jun 30, 2023 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Managing a software development team is a unique endeavor that sets it apart from other disciplines within management. The field of software development is inherently centered around human collaboration, while simultaneously demanding technical expertise and adherence to rigorous processes. As a result, a software development manager must possess a comprehensive understanding of the diverse aspects involved in managing both the development process itself and the team executing it. Whether you aspire to directly manage a software development team or assume the role of a Project Manager overseeing a software project, a solid grasp of software development management is imperative for consistent and repeatable success. Familiarizing yourself with the terminology, psychological dynamics, and intrinsic workings of software development management is crucial. Additionally, it is highly likely that you will collaborate closely with a software development manager to effectively plan, execute, control, and monitor your project.
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I saw someone on the street eating M&M's with a spoon.
- Jerry Seinfeld