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Sep 27, 2019 12:30 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Trăim într-o lume interconectată, unde echipele dispersate geografic sunt mai degrabă o normă decât o excepție, cum era acum 30 de ani. Internetul este un mediu de colaborare fantastic, dar una din lecțiile învățate din boomul outsourcingului și una dintre recomandările Agile este pozitionarea echipelor într-o singură locație. Rolul liderului în Agile, indiferent dacă se numește Scrum Master sau Manager de Proiect, este esențial, iar din motive practice este mai ușor să aducem liderul la echipă decât să aducem întreaga echipă unde este liderul. Managerii de proiect angajați pe durată determinata aduc experiență și cunoștințe care protejează interesul clientului, totodată având beneficii financiare și profesionale atât pentru individ, cât și pentru organizatie. In viata este bine ca "la pomul lăudat să nu te duci cu sacul", beneficiile vin întodeauna cu provocări și lucrul în medii culturale diverse este una dintre ele.
Feb 28, 2017 8:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
Neste webinar projeto RMS Titanic é explorado para mostrar algumas causas comuns de falhas nos projetos bem gerenciados. O autor explora os "cinco pecados dos gerentes de projeto”, cinco comportamentos identificados em pesquisas recentes como fatores chaves de fracasso na gestão de projetos. Estes são: arrogância, ganância, ignorância, fraude e abstinência.
Dec 5, 2018 2:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
Closing Q&A webinar for October 2018 Book Club on The Practitioner's Guide to Project Management: Simple, Effective Techniques That Deliver Business Value by Lynda Carter.
About the book:
The Practitioner's Guide to Project Management provides simple, effective techniques in a way that encourages collaborative conversations with key resources and delivers business value. Book highlights include:
1. Foundational techniques - the value they provide and the questions they help answer
2. Role and responsibility clarity for key project players across the life of a project
3. Explanation of project management deliverables - their purpose, content and tips on how to create them
4. Recommendations for collaborative planning workshops
5. Answers to common questions about applying project management techniques
Dec 7, 2016 2:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
Closing Q&A webinar for October Book Club on Managing Stakeholders as Clients - Second Edition.
Jan 25, 2024 1:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
This webinar is about Open Government and the Adaptive Public sector, and it is hinged on Power Skills on the PMI Triangle. Public sector initiatives can originate from citizens, but if a government is not open there will be no recognition for civic space, and it might be impossible for citizens to have a voice in what the government does. Open government creates the necessary framework for civil society and the public to be able to make input in governance; enabling citizens to hold leaders accountable via open data, while preventing wrongdoings on both sides. This webinar will provide insights into the concept of open government and explain why it is a precondition for advancing an adaptive public sector. Lessons will be drawn from Estonia’s openness-by-design, and some testimonies shared during the recently held Open Government Partnership Summit.
May 23, 2024 1:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Dans ce webinaire, nous vous invitons à découvrir comment tirer
parti de PMI Infinity à travers des applications pratiques. Joignez-vous à
nous pour explorer ensemble les possibilités offertes par cette technologie
révolutionnaire et apprenez à optimiser votre gestion de projet grâce à
l'intelligence artificielle.
Aug 16, 2016 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Larry Cooper recently approached a group of senior leaders from a broad spectrum of industries, sectors and countries to participate in a Wisdom Council to answer a series of questions on Organizational Agility. In the webinar Larry will share the insights he gathered from them under six topic areas:
• The primary waste in traditionally run organizations
• The greatest challenge facing organizations that want to become more agile
• The values that all agile organizations would exhibit
• The principles that are the most important for an agile organization to focus on
• The primary trait or characteristic of an agile organization
• How they would describe organizational agility to a colleague
Oct 10, 2018 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
This Webinar provides an Introduction to Organizational Change Management (OCM) for Project Managers, with a focus on Communications and Stakeholder Management.
Mar 9, 2016 2:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
Using a case study as an example, this webinar will relate the practices outlined in PMI Practice Guide for Managing Change in Organizations to the disciplines of Portfolio, Program, and Project Management, and how the managers in these roles can contribute to the success (or failure) of organizational change initiatives.
Mar 19, 2015 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
Organizational Maturity is a state of dynamic competence achieved with organizational systems & leadership put together to advance & serve the business purpose, satisfy the need & expectation of stakeholders and chart the path to strategic goals successfully, consistently, reliably and predictably. It is a continuous process of dynamism to withstand the emerging environmental demands.
Participants will learn;
a) State of Readiness of an organization for maturity
b) Way forward
c) PM Practices for transformation
d) Benefits of Maturity Enhancement
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When someone is lying, is it true that their pants are actually on fire?
- Jerry Seinfeld