Project Management

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Rapid Assessment of Project Viability

Dec 13, 2022 10:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Learn to quickly assess a project’s viability using a three-step approach. First, learn how to determine where the project falls on a spectrum ranging from simple to chaotic. Second, learn the organizational balance needed to move the project forward based on where the project is on that spectrum. And, finally, learn the organizational changes needed as you move the project towards simplicity and success. It all boils down to one question.

Rapid Assessment of Stakeholder Reliability

Oct 4, 2023 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

During this webinar, a method will be presented for rapidly determining the political viability of a project. This method indicates where changes may be needed to increase the probability of project success.

RapidStartPMO - A New Approach to Delivering Strategy and Driving Enterprise Transformation

Jan 10, 2017 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

The initial stages of PMO setup are critical and when practitioners focus too much on the philosophical aspects of the task at hand, executives grow impatient and the organization becomes frustrated by the lack of progress. With these high stakes PMO leaders must create a pragmatic approach that allows them to quickly ramp up capabilities and deliver value to the organization as early as possible.

Real Project Management

Jul 8, 2015 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Organizations demand that the projects that they commission these days are successful in order to meet their increasingly aggressive strategic goals, and for this to be possible the project managers that lead these strategic projects need to be the very best that they can be. But what skills are demanded on the new generation of 21st Century Project Managers? Join Peter Taylor in saying ‘goodbye’ to the ‘Accidental Project Manager’ and ‘hello’ to the Real Project Managers of today.

Reality Bytes: Working Effectively with Virtual Teams

Sep 13, 2016 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

This webinar will explore the subject of working virtually and what we can do as project managers to support our project teams. We'll also examine some of the treacherous pitfalls that can surround working virtually.

Redesigning Project Management Around the Brain

Aug 7, 2019 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Why wouldn’t we design project management processes around the human brain? People run projects, people are part of projects, and people influence project success. Economics, finance, and supply chain management have recognized the human factor by embedding behavioral sciences throughout their technical disciplines. Now, it’s project management’s turn. Mastering human factors gives us the ability to decrease risk and project cost, increase plan accuracy, and increase execution efficiency. Human factors empower project success in the midst of volatility, disruption, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

Reflective Leadership in Project Management: Exploring the Power of Self-Awareness and Adaptability for Effective Project Management

Jul 21, 2023 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

As project managers, you are also leaders, and your ability to make good decisions, drive growth, and promote positive change is crucial. Reflective leadership can help you achieve these goals. Implementing reflective leadership involves creating learning communities that encourage leaders to reflect on their experiences and promote dialogue, openness, and a culture of reflection. Models such as Gibbs' reflective cycle, T-Group, and Action Learning provide practical ways for leaders to engage in reflective practice, learn from their experiences, help improve decision-making, foster growth, and promote social change.

Reinventing Project Management Series: The PMO in The Project Economy

Nov 2, 2020 10:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Recently Gartner claimed that 80% of today’s Project Management tasks will be eliminated by 2030 as Artificial Intelligence takes over. Will 80% of today’s PMO tasks will most likely also disappear too? On the other hand, the Project Economy claims that the future of work is about projects. How will this impact the future of PMOs? Will there be a need for PMO's? And in which form? This session, founded upon some of the latest research and practical examples, will explore how PMOs can adapt to the new reality and move towards a more strategic role to survive.

Reinventing Project Management Series: The Project Canvas

Sep 3, 2020 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Project management methods have tended to be too complex to be easily understood and applied by non-experts. The pivotal assumption has been that documenting every aspect of a project in detail will provide a high level of control of the planned activities during the implementation of the project. Many project managers ended up producing massive numbers of documents and swathes of paperwork, leading to an overall feeling that the role was primarily administrative. In contrast, widely used management disciplines are often linked to a few simple frameworks that can be easily understood, and applied, not only by managers but also by the majority of individuals. Porter’s Five Forces and value chain analysis help to make strategy a key area for every organization to apply.

Reinventing Project Management Series: Using the S-Curve to Determine when to Start a Project

Jun 4, 2020 10:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Knowing when to start a project is a key factor in its success. And yet it’s a strategic talent very few companies have developed. If you begin a project too soon, chances are high that the project will miss its deadline — if it doesn’t fail outright. Yet, there is currently no management framework available to help executives or individuals with the vital decision of when the right time has arrived. This webinar is based on my joint HBR article with Whitney Johnson, author of Disrupt Yourself.


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"Love your enemies just in case your friends turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

- R.A. Dickson

