4 items found
Feb 21, 2024 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
In the realm of project management, efficiency and optimization are the cornerstones for success. One method that has significantly contributed to enhancing processes and identifying areas for improvement is Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Learn how to apply Value Stream Mapping in your projects in this webinar.
Mar 18, 2020 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
If you work in a large organization, then chances are better than good that you work on at least one 'virtual team,' possibly more. If you're like most people, you find this 'difficult,' if not almost impossible from time to time. The obstacles to performance are many; they include time zone differences, matrix management, the blurring of the work/life boundary, and cultural differences that are totally hidden until you're ensnared in some conflict that no one really understands. Welcome to the modern world.
Feb 28, 2019 1:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar
PMOs are an integral part an organization’s strategic plan for implementing improvement, keeping the business running, and directing change. The PMO has a wide range of responsibilities with a diverse set of stakeholders and an ever increasing demand for status. Thus, many PMOs are transforming into “Strategic PMOs” and assumed the role of defining the, and reporting the status of, the clear line of sight from Strategic Intent to Project Outcomes. This implies a method of consistent reporting status to various stakeholders, of extremely diverse projects, to stakeholders with various job functions throughout the organization.
This presentation will examine a real example of creating a Visual Control Board for a HealthCare IT PMO. It will explore the entire foundation of the PMO purpose and how it provides a single visual of all projects. It will demonstrate a sample of the board as well as the purpose of the PMO as a strategic partner. The presentation will discuss:
• Run the Business / Improve the Business Model
• Strategic Partner Model
• The Importance of a Visual Control Board
• Do Our Project Outcomes Impact KPI’s?
• Communicating Project Status for entire PMO
• PMO Visual Control Chart Example
If you want to better understand a PMO’s approach to communicating the health of multiple projects to many stakeholders via a visual control board, then this presentation is for you. This example is for a healthcare organization, but the concept spans all industries and provides important knowledge to help the PMO become a strategic partner with the entire organization.
Jun 3, 2020 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar
VUCA , an acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, has become a buzzword in management and business circles. It has added a new dimension to management principles and practice this requires a fresh approach to adapt to the new situations that are emerging in business and industry. Over the years project management standards have been adapting to industry practices and
through its revisions introducing new topics and areas of knowledge. The objective of the standards has been to present information that is relevant and valid for today's operations. Various project management standards have been studied to assess if the four parameters of
VUCA have been included and discussed and if they are adequate for the practising project manager to function effectively.
A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions.
- Anonymous