Qu'est que c'est que la grande muraille verte?
Venez tout savoir sur UAA (Actions Unis pour l'Afrique) et un de ses projets phares: la grande muraille verte
Venez tout savoir sur UAA (Actions Unis pour l'Afrique) et un de ses projets phares: la grande muraille verte
It is over fifty years since we identified project management as a formal subject of study, considered as a practice and knowledge on the subject collated and codified. Since then, it has grown considerably, with many standards being developed, training & consulting organizations set up and information disseminated among many industries and domains. At the same time today, we see there is a prospect of potential changes everywhere. Change, because of the business & political conditions, technology and the environment. The recent pandemic has only exacerbated this. All these happenings are forcing organizations, governments and professional communities to re-evaluate our ways of working to meet the challenges now and in the future. This includes the project management community as well.
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it. - Jackie Gleason |