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PREMIUM white paper
by PMI
Each year, the strategy team at the Project Management Institute conducts an assessment of global, long-term trends across a range of key issue areas. Conducted since 2007, this annual report examines and evaluates the global trajectory of major trends in everything from climate change to shifting demographics—and explores how these trends are impacting the world of project management and project professionals.
white paper
by Gina Abudi
In this white paper, Gina Abudi, author of Implementing Positive Organizational Change: A Strategic Project Management Approach, will provide best practices for effective communications to engage employees in change initiatives.
white paper
by Gina Abudi
Every team moves through the five stages of team development. This white paper will share more details about each and provide an example of a team moving through the stages.
white paper
by Sujith Kattathara
In project management science, the triple constraints of scope, schedule and cost are used to quantify a project. But quantification of scope has been challenging—and not been implemented effectively. This white paper proposes a method for assessment, tracking and reporting of project scope in information technology projects that are executed using waterfall, V-model or agile/kanban.
white paper
by Kane Tomlin
The Intelligence Community (IC) is an enormous, departmentally diverse community in numerous agencies, and covers a large range of individual intelligence efforts. Both law enforcement and the military rely on and make up part of the IC. Though the efforts are continuous and cyclical, there are numerous one-time activities that are not replicable, and are designed to answer specific questions for policy makers and other consumers of intelligence. The sum effect of an IC PMO may prove invaluable when trying to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the IC.
white paper
by Kris Troukens, Dirk Huyers
This paper looks at the essential soft skills that every project manager should master in order to succeed in his or her day-to-day job. Seven essential skills are looked at in detail.
white paper
by Joy Beatty
Aligning business and IT strategy at the top level is helpful, but only as far as it is put in to practice at the lower levels of an organization.
white paper
by Joy Beatty, Candase Hokanson
When companies move to an agile Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), they often remove the processes and analysis of their waterfall SDLC because, as the Agile Manifesto puts it, “They value individual and interactions over processes and tools.” Some of the rigor should be removed – waterfall processes can get bogged down with gates and sign-offs. However, caution must be exercised to not go too far against processes and analysis and rely just upon backlogs and user stories. Requirements and the analysis that leads to those requirements are just as essential in an agile project as they are in a waterfall project. The difference lies in how much requirements analysis is completed and the timing of it.
white paper
by Rubaiyyaat Aakbar
Information security is all about protection of information and its critical elements (confidentiality, integrity and availability), including the systems and process that use, store and transmit that information. When it comes to information security, what exactly does it mean to us as project managers? This author helps you put the right procedures in place.
white paper
by Tom Baker, Pedro Echeverria, Kristina Kohl
The central finding of this report is that organizations have adopted sustainability strategically and are executing sustainability initiatives, but their project managers do not have the resources they need to competently manage this process. Their challenges range from project methodology gaps to specific needs in achieving organizational change. This report was not produced or vetted by the PMI Market Research Team. It reflects the results of a survey conducted by leading members of the ProjectManagement.com community who are concerned about project management sustainability.
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"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse."
- Walt Disney