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8 items found

High-Level Planning and Cost Estimation Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Eduard Hernandez

This sample Excel worksheet includes a Gantt chart with resource estimation (man hour, machine hour) and cost estimation. It provides a quick way to calculate project budget and project selling price.

High-Level Project Road Map (Small Project)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Madhuri Adettiwar

In large organizations, there are always a large number of stakeholders involved in any project. When the project size is small, you need to create a roadmap that is very simple, easy to follow and can be used by all stakeholders to get approvals, plan their work and reach the excepted milestones. This Excel roadmap provides a simple one-page view of the entire schedule for a small project.

How to be an Effective Team Leader


Discusses how the expanding global marketplace has placed a new premium on a leader's ability to manage geographically distributed teams. The solution lies more in understanding the internal and external dynamics than using the newest software tools that keep us connected. This course provides new insights and skills that will enable you to coordinate, communicate and collaborate more effectively with team members, regardless of location.
This file requires the WebEx Player. It is 4.8Mb.

How to Calculate Cumulative Cost Curves


Use this template to create a cumulative cost curve if you have a good idea of how your costs will be broken out over the life of your project.

How to Estimate Return on Investment (ROI)

PREMIUM deliverable

Sell your business case with a respectable return on investment. Here's how to calculate ROI. We've also thrown in an example so you can see how it all works.

How to Handle Issue Management in a PMO Setting


We all have issues, and so do our projects. A good project management office has processes in place to handle issues as they come up. Here is a sample process to put into place issue management handling procedures within a PMO setting.

Human Resource Management Plan

by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

Have you assigned all of the roles and responsibilities for your team? Decided authority levels for various managers? Detailed the organizational structure? Those are just a few of the vital tasks that this plan will help you record.



I don't like to carry my wallet. My osteopath says it's bad for my spine. Throws my hip off kilter.

- Kramer

